The volume, edited by Béla Mester and Rafał Smoczyński, entitled Lords and Boors – Westernisers and ‘Narodniks’: Chapters from Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History offers an overview of the results of the ten years of a Polish–Hungarian scholar cooperation.
Foreword and the Table of Contents of the book are available here and here; the whole volume will be available soon at the Gondolat Publishers.
The Research Center for the Humanities has published in Italian the proceedings of the conference organized in 2019 in Budapest by the Institute of Philosophy and the CISUECO (Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull’Europa Centro-Orientale, Inter-University Center for Hungarian and East-Central European Studies). This event was the third part of a series of Italo-Hungarian conferences about XXth century history and culture.
The title of the book (edited by Francesco Guida and Zoltán Turgonyi) is Italia e Ungheria tra pace e guerra fredda (1945-1955) [Italy and Hungary between Peace and Cold War (1945-1955)], table of contents can be viewed here. It contains the papers of nine Italian, a Croatian and seven Hungarian authors. Among the latter there are three fellows of the Research Center for the Humanities: Ferenc Hörcher, senior research fellow (and ex-director) of the Institute of Philosophy, Antal Molnár, director of the Institute of History and Zoltán Turgonyi, senior research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy. The reader can find in the book studies on history, politics, economy, humanities, arts, literature of the period in question.
Ferenc Hörcher’s chapter on Burke on Rationalism, Prudence and Reason of State has been published in a volume entitled Critics of Enlightenment Rationalism.
The book, which has been edited by Gene Callahan and Kenneth B. McIntyre, and published by Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020., gives an overview of different reactions against Enlightenment Rationality by political thinkers and philosophers.
A new collective volume has been published by the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences entitled "All'ombra della Grande Guerra. Incroci fra Italia e Ungheria: storia, letteratura, cultura" (In the shadow of the Great War. Contacts between Italy and Hungary: history, literature, culture) edited by Zoltán Turgonyi, senior researcher of the Institute of Philosophy (RCH HAS) and Roberto Ruspanti, professor of Università degli Studi di Udine, director of CISUECO (Interuniversity Research Centre of Hungarology and Central and Eastern-European Studies). The book contains the selected and edited papers of the conference organized in Budapest on 11-12 June 2015. The table of contents is available here. Members of the Institute of Philosophy Zoltán Frenyó, Ferenc Hörcher and Zoltán Turgonyi are among the authors of the volume. The Italian language, multidisciplinary volume of essays can be ordered from the Institute of Philosophy.
A new collected volume of the Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is out, with the title: Is a Universal Morality Possible? The new publication is edited by Ferenc Hörcher, Béla Mester and Zoltán Turgonyi, authored mainly by philosophers and theologians, an published by the Institute together with L’Harmattan Publishing House.
Please find enclosed the Table of Contents, the short introduction of it and the endorsement of the book by William Desmond, professor of the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium and David Cook Chair in Philosophy, Villanova University, USA.