Oxford University Press has published the edited volume "Newton and Empiricism" (ed. by Zvi Biener & Eric Schliesser). The book contains Tamás Demeter's paper on "Enlarging the Bounds of Moral Philosophy: Newton's Method and Hume's Science of Man".
Ferenc Hörcher's book entitled Az esztétikai gondolkodás története a felvilágosodás korában 1650-1800 (The History of Aesthetic Thought in the Enlightenment 1650-1800) has been published by Gondolat, Budapest.
Ferenc Hörcher published an edited volume in Hungarian, entitled "Fejezetek a kora modern esztétikai gondolkodás történetéből, 1450-1650 (Chapters from the History of Early Modern Aesthetic Thought)", published by L'Harmattan, Hungary. The book includes five essays by Ákos Cseke, Tibor Fabiny, Tibor Görföl, Emil Hargittay and Ferenc Hörcher.
Gábor Szécsi's paper entitled "Social and Linguistic Convergences in the Information Age" has been published by the Canadian Journal of Communication, 2013/4. The paper could be accessed here.
Péter Varga's "The Missing Chapter from the Logical Investigations: Husserl on Lotze's Formal and Real Significance of Logical Laws", which he wrote while still being an assistant research fellow of the Institute, recently came out in the Husserl Studies, 2013/1.
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