A workshop helyszíne: MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézet, 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30.
A workshop időpontja: 2015. március 10.
A workshop programja:
9:50: megnyitó
10-11: Ákos Sivadó: Strength in numbers: How political arithmetick shaped society
11-12: Dana Jalobeanu: Baconian science versus Newtonian science: Revisiting the Kuhnian divide
12-12:30: kávészünet
12:30-13:30: Gábor Zemplén: Newton's strategic maneuvering and the historical epistemology of his first optical controversy
13:30-15: ebédszünet
15-16: Eric Schliesser: Anti-Mathematicism in the 18th century
16-17: Steffen Ducheyne: Petrus van Musschenbroek and empirico-mathematics
17:15-17:30: kávészünet
17:30-18:30: Charles Wolfe: Vital anti-mathematicism: Mandeville, Buffon and Diderot