We invite participants to describe, analyse and discuss the dramatically transforming political cultures of European cities in the age of the Reformation at the following conference:
“Ratio Civilis”
The Transformation of Urban Political Cultures in the Age of the Reformation
Proposals (with a title and abstract of the length of 3-500 words) should be sent to the following address by 30 April 2017 31 May 2017: .
Keynote speakers:
Heinz Schilling (Berlin)
Hans Blom (Rotterdam)
Venue: the conference will be organised in Budapest, at the headquarters of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Organisers: Prof. Ferenc Hörcher, director, Institute of Philosophy, HAS and Adam Smrcz, assistant researcher, Institute of Philosophy, HAS
Date of the conference: 17-18 November, 2017.