
research fellow

Email: gomori.marton at


List of publications

Research group


Philosophy of physics

Phone numbers
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4169
Research area


philosophical foundations of relativity theory; probability in physics

Research project


A formal approach to the metaphysical foundations of physics (NKFIH K115593, 2015-2019)



Department of Logic, Eötvös University Budapest, philosophy of science

Selected publications from the last five years

(2024). Rédei, M. — Gömöri, M., “Entropic taming of the Look Elsewhere Effect,” Synthese 203, 12.

(2023). Hoefer, C. — Gömöri, M., “Classicality and Bell's Theorem,” European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13, 45.

(2022). Gömöri, M., “Redukcionizmus: a korrelációk magyarázatán alapuló érv vázlata,” Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 66:3, 67–74.

(2021). Gömöri, M. — Hofer-Szabó, G., “On the meaning of EPR’s Reality Criterion,” Synthese 199, 13441–13469.

(2020). Gömöri, M., “On the Very Idea of Distant Correlations,” Foundations of Physics 50, 530–554.