Arisztotelész: Metafizika. Fordította Bene László, Lautner Péter, Steiger Kornél. Budapest: Atlantisz Könyvkiadó, 2024.
A fundamental work in the history of philosophy in a new, terminologically unitary Hungarian translation. Books VIII–IX were translated by L. Bene, books II, IV and XII by P. Lautner, and books I, III, V, VI, VII, X, XI, XIII and XIV by K. Steiger.
Balogh Brigitta – Lang Mark – Mester Béla (szerk.): Kant 300. (Kellék 71. szám), 2024.
Thematic issue of the periodical Kellék based on selected proceedings of the conference by the opportunity of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant, organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the ELTE University and by the Department of Philosophy of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University.
Barcsi Tamás – Kőmüves Sándor – Nemes László: Életvégi döntések. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2024.
Bene László – Molnár Péter (szerk.): Teológia és antropológia. Tanulmányok Vidrányi Katalin emlékére. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2024.
The essays in this volume are a tribute to the memory of Katalin Vidrányi (1945-1993), former Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, a historian of philosophy and theology who made a decisive influence on these fields. Katalin Vidrányi started out as a Kant scholar, but from the beginning she was also concerned with contemporary theology. Starting from these interests, she began to read the patristic and later the medieval authors from a new perspective and revived the latter topics – neglected for decades in Hungarian research – in the history of philosophy, theology and the history of ideas. The themes of the present volume reflect this versatility. The authors are former students and friends of Katalin Vidrányi.
Bogányi Gergely – Szécsi Gábor: Narrativitás és zenei megértés. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale Kiadó, 2024.
Hörcher Ferenc – Tóth Kálmán (szerk.): A szavak lázadása – Irodalom és politika Kazinczy börtönéveitől a Mozgó Világ-botrányig. Budapest: Magyar Művészeti Akadémia, 2024.
This volume of essays publishes the works of literary scholars on the changing relationship between literature and politics, presenting the oeuvre of some of the most prominent authors of the Hungarian literary canon from the beginning of the 19th to the end of the 20th century.
Hörcher Ferenc – Tóth Kálmán (szerk.): A város mediális lenyomatai. Budapest: Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 2024.
The aim of this interdisciplinary volume of studies is to examine how the phenomenon of the city is represented by the different disciplines of the arts and the sciences.
Pascalev, Assya – Tari, Gergely: Ethical Issues in the SARS-COV-2 Outbreak in East-Central Europe and Beyond. Budapest: Trivent Publishing, 2024.
Richardson, Alan – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Interpreting Carnap: Critical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Szécsi Gábor: Narativ i Razumijevanje: Filozofski prinosi teoriji narativnog sebstva. Dakovo–Zagreb: Kulturni Krug Press, 2024.
Szécsi Gábor – Tóth I. János (szerk.): Kulturális identitás a glokalizáció korában. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2024.
Tari Gergely: A férfi és női testek medikalizációja. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2024.
Barcsi Tamás: Embertelenség az együttérzés korában. Budapest – Máriabesnyő: BTK – Attraktor, 2023.
Bárdos Dániel: Kőbe zárt evolúció. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2023.
The monograph analyzes the introduction of the theory of punctuated equilibrium and the subsequent debates through a philosophy of science-focused examination of key texts. It explores how the controversy surrounding the concept shaped disciplinary narratives regarding the relationship between evolutionary biology and paleontology, as well as the acceptance of paleobiology as a new discipline.
Bárdos Dániel – Tuboly Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Emberarcú tudomány. Áltudományok és összeesküvéselméletek szorításában. Budapest: Typotex, 2023.
Bernáth László: Létezik-e szabad akarat? Budapest: Kalligram, 2023.
The book argues that scientific findings have not proven that free will does not exist. In fact, László Bernáth attempts to show that belief in free will is one of the most rational beliefs.
Eötvös József: Levelek I. 1820-as évek – 1848. február 28. Szerk. Völgyesi Orsolya. Budapest: ELKH Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet, 2023.
Gángó Gábor (szerk.): Early Modern Natural Law in East-Central Europe. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
Hatos Pál – Hörcher Ferenc – Tóth Kálmán (szerk.): Eötvös 150 – Szabadság, művelődés, polgárság: Tanulmányok báró Eötvös József halálának 150. évfordulójára. Budapest: Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 2023.
This volume of essays presents the oeuvre of the famous writer and politician from three perspectives: it addresses his political creed, his views on culture and education, and his ideas how to reach a more refined state of civility.
Hörcher, Ferenc: Art and Politics in Roger Scruton’s Conservative Philosophy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
This monograph provides a comprehensive overview of the British philosopher Roger Scruton's thought, focusing on two areas, his aesthetics and his political philosophy.
Hörcher Ferenc: Erő és gyöngédség: Képzőművészeti és városfilozófiai esszék. Budapest: MMA Kiadó, 2023.
These essays cover two areas: they analyse some of the most prominent works of art history, using the traditional tools of ekphrasis, and then provide cityscapes and urban analyses.
Hörcher Ferenc – Thomas Lorman – Pócza Kálmán (szerk.): A magyar történeti alkotmány: Korszakok és kihívások. Budapest: Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 2023.
This volume is the fruit of a collaboration with the University of London, and traces the development of Hungarian constitutional thought from the Middle Ages to the Fundamental Law. This volume is a translation of the original English edition, but some authors have updated their material.
Hörcher, Ferenc – Tóth, Kálmán (szerk.): 19th Century Hungarian Political Thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867. London – New York – Oxford – New Delhi – Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
This collection of essays introduces English readers to the period of the 19th century in Hungary up to the Settlement with Austria, analysing the achievements of some of the most important politicians and political thinkers.
Kelemen, Oguz – Tari, Gergely: The Bioethics of the Crazy Ape. Budapest: Trivent Publishing, 2019.
The volume collects a wide range of bioethical topics. Bioethical questions are eternal by nature, although our technologized times transform old issues in forms never before experienced. Just like the famous scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi believed in his time, we also believe that all the contributing authors recognised their moral responsibility in adding new approaches to the continuum of each debate. Although this responsibility has became increasingly complex, we must avoid to become barriers of the scientific development. Bioethics as an applied field of philosophy should always try to establish a framework for a sustainable world: in daily clinical practice, in cases of human experiments, and (not least) in the natural environment.
Sautkin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – Mester, Béla (szerk.): Философские концепты в меняющемся мире. Миграция идей и трансформации смыслов. Krasnoyarsk: Izdatel’stvo „Nauchno-Innovacionnyj Centr”, 2023.
Volume of essays of the history of Russian and Hungarian philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries with contribution of Russian and Hungarian scholars in Russian, with English summaries. Other contributor of the volume from our institute was Bettina Szabados and our former fellow, László Gergely Szücs.
Schmal Dániel (szerk., ford.): A kozmosz, a szellem és az állati lélek: René Descartes és Henry More levelezése. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2023.
The collection contains the complete correspondence of René Descartes (1596–1650) and Henry More (1614–1687), in Hungarian. More, a leading figure in the Cambridge Platonist movement, was Descartes’s first follower, populariser and critic in England. From the correspondence and the accompanying essay, two alternative programmes for the renewal of modern thought emerge, which at the same time intersect in the field of mechanical philosophy. The letters focus on the nature of space, the relationship between matter and soul, and the nature of animals.
Szécsi Gábor: A történetekbe zárt elme. Tudat-, kommunikáció- és történetfilozófiai adalékok a narratív én elméletéhez. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2023.
Szécsi Gábor – Tóth I. János (szerk.): Társadalom a világjárvány hálójában. Alkalmazott filozófiai tanulmányok a pandémia társadalmi és kulturális hatásairól. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2023.
Toescu, Emil C. – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Special Issue: „Critical Perspectives on Science”, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 48(2), 2023.
Tőzsér, János: The Failure of Philosophical Knowledge. Why Philosophers are not Entitled to their Beliefs. London: Bloomsbury, 2023.
Ayer, A. J.: Nyelv, Igazság és Logika. Fordította Tuboly, Ádám Tamás, Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2022.
Bíró, Gábor István: Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy. London: Routledge, 2022.
The edited volume argues that references to organic, natural, humane, implicit and tacit elements were actually present in the economic thought of the most important thinkers from David Hume and Adam Smith to Friedrich August von Hayek and the Polanyi brothers. Due to the later success of the highly mathematized branch of economics these references have been systematically ignored or underrepresented in most historiographies of the discipline. The book intends to make a humble contribution to change this distorted view and to show, with text-based arguments, that the most important thinkers were actually quite concerned about these non-quantifiable aspects of economic phenomena.
Damböck, Christian – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): The Ethico-Social Dimension of Knowledge: The Mission of Logical Empiricism. Társszerkesztő:. Cham: Springer, 2022.
Kocsis László – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Lehetséges világok: Szöveggyűjtemény. Budapest: Typotex, 2022.
Kondor Zsuzsanna (szerk.): A megtestesült elme. Fókuszban a test. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2022.
In recent decades, the concept of the embodied mind has emerged not only in philosophy but also in specialized scientific research. According to the core idea, the mind should not be viewed as an intellectual mechanism operating in isolation from the external world—much like a computer following autonomous processes. Instead, it should be studied as a phenomenon that dynamically interacts with bodily and environmental influences, grounded in everyday, practical skills. The concept of the embodied mind directly impacts our understanding of perception, the role of the body, phenomenal experience, and the relationship with the environment. Additionally, it challenges certain methodological and conceptual assumptions and commitments. The studies in this volume offer insights into both the metaphysical and practical implications of the theory, presenting various interpretations of embodiment and their interconnections. They also reconsider concepts of self, self-identity, and the conscious and unconscious dimensions of bodily existence. The authors aim to provide Hungarian readers with an in-depth exploration of the debates surrounding this alternative perspective on the mind, drawing from philosophy, psychology, and practical applications.
Mészáros András – Mester Béla (szerk.): A magyar filozófia történetírása. Módszertani és kutatói gyakorlat. Budapest – Somorja: Gondolat Kiadó – Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Filozófiai Intézet – Szlovákiai Magyar Akadémiai Tanács, 2022.
Volume of essays about the methodological questions of the history of Hungarian philosophy, with case studies. Other contributors from our institute were Gábor Gángó, Péter András Varga, Bettina Szabados; and our former fellows, Ádám Smrcz, Ágoston Guba, József Simon, László Székely, Gábor Kovács and László Gergely Szücs.
Neuber, Matthias – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Ernest Nagel: Philosophy of Science and the Fight for Clarity. Cham: Springer, 2022.
Szécsi Gábor – Boros János – Nemeskéri Zsolt (szerk.): XXI. századi narratívák. Tanulmányok a filozófia, művészet és gazdaság metszéspontján. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale Kiadó, 2022.
Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): The History of Understanding in Analytic Philosophy: Around Logical Empiricism. London – New York: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Bernáth László – Kocsis László (szerk.): Az igazság pillanatai? Metafilozófiai válaszok a szkeptikus kihívásra. Budapest: Kalligram, 2021.
In his work Moments of Truth, János Tőzsér argued that we cannot maintain our substantive philosophical beliefs because they are widely disputed. The authors of this volume critically examine Tőzsér’s position, who answers at the end of the volume to what extent he was able to accept the objections and to what extent he rejects them.
Hartl, Péter – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Science, Freedom, Democracy. New York – Oxon: Routledge, 2021.
Hörcher, Ferenc: The Political Philosophy of the European City: From Polis, through City-State, to Megalopolis? Lanham (MD): Rowman and Littlefield, 2021.
This monograph is a historical overview of the political thought of European cities, with a focus on the city and urban thought of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the early modern period and the 20th century.
Lutz, Sebastian – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Logical Empiricism and the Physical Sciences: From Philosophy of Nature to Physics. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Mester Béla – Szabados Bettina – Varga Péter András (szerk.): Kellék. Filozófiai folyóirat 65: Tinta és szellem, 2021.
The volume compiles studies based on the questions and methods of the source-focused history of philosophy.
Reisch, George – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Philipp Frank: The Humanistic Background of Science. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 2021.
Schmal Dániel: Reflexió és modernitás: A modern én születése a kora újkorban. Akadémiai nagydoktori értekezés, 2021.
Since the sixteenth century, people have had to live their lives in a multiplicity of roles, each distinct and subject to autonomous rules, whose interrelationships have been difficult to clarify. The dissertation examines the early modern philosophical efforts that, in the light of this complex social and intellectual change, increasingly understood the unified self as an integrative achievement. While the freedom of choice between often conflicting roles was valorised, the very existence of the self behind these roles came under suspicion. The main thesis of the monograph is that these processes can be traced long before the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century and are evident in late scholasticism as well as in new philosophy, regardless of ideological boundaries.
Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
Bíró, Gábor István: The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi. London: Routledge, 2020.
A rich archival analysis of the so far understudied economic thought of the well-known Hungarian physical chemist and philosopher, Michael Polanyi. The volume applies some of the methodological toolset of science and technology studies (STS) and delivers a contextualised analysis of Michael Polanyi's economics instructional film which was first of its kind in 1940.
Borbély Gábor – Schmal Dániel (szerk.): Skolasztikus filozófiai szöveggyűjtemény. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2020.
This collection of translation contains extracts from scholastic philosophical texts, some of which have been previously published while others appear here for the first time. The volume is unique in that it begins with the work of St Augustine, who was fundamental in shaping the relationship between faith and knowledge for the medievals, and continues through to late (Baroque) Scholasticism.
Hörcher, Ferenc: A Political Philosophy of Conservatism: Prudence, Moderation and Tradition. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.
This monograph is a summary of the author's conservative political philosophy. The first part of the volume reviews the conceptual history of the notion of prudence, as the second part outlines a conception of conservatism based on practical wisdom.
Mester, Béla – Smoczyński, Rafał (szerk.): Lords and Boors – Westernisers and ‘Narodniks’: Chapters from Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History. Budapest: Gondolat Publishers – Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy, 2020.
Volume of essays of the Polish and Hungarian intellectual history with contribution of Polish and Hungarian scholars. Other participants from our institute were Gábor Gángó, Péter András Varga, Bettina Szabados; and our former fellows, Borbála Jász and Gábor Kovács.
Mezei Balázs – Schmal Dániel (szerk.): Megújító újdonság. Tanulmányok Vető Miklós gondolkodásáról. Budapest: SZIT, 2020.
This volume pays tribute to the work of Miklós Vető, a Franco-Hungarian philosopher and religious thinker who died in January 2020. In addition to studies analysing the oeuvre of Miklós Vető, the volume contains a comprehensive list of his writings from their beginnings in 1947 until his death, as well as a bibliography of the secondary literature.
Ruszkai Szilvia Éva – Szabados Bettina – Furtado Renátó – Szabó Ferenc (szerk.): Ütközéspontok V.: A Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége Filozófiai Osztálya konferenciájának kötete. Szeged: JATEPress, 2020.
The volume is based on the talks from the annual conference of the Philosophy Department of the National Association of Doctoral Students.
Szécsi Gábor: A történetekbe zárt elme. Tudat-, kommunikáció- és történetfilozófiai adalékok a narratív én elméletéhez. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2020.
Szécsi Gábor – Tóth I. János (szerk.): Természet és felelősség. A környezeti etika és nevelés filozófiai alapjai. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2020.
Varga Péter András: Mi a filozófiatörténet? A filozófiatörténet filozófiája a kortárs kontinentális filozófiában. Budapest: Gondolat – BTK, 2020.
What the present book aims at is not merely a scholarly monograph on the history of philosophy, but rather it intends to undertake a philosophical endeavor dedicated to the theoretical problem posed by the history of philosophy as such within the framework of the so-called Continental branch of contemporary philosophy. As the result of our historiographical investigations of the theories of the history of philosophy – ranging from mid-19th century post-Hegelian German philosophy to the so-called School of Ritter (which constitutes one of the most significant philosophical formations of post-1945 German philosophy) – the history of philosophy emerges as a fertile regional problem within philosophy (one might say: as those philosophical problem that is perhaps most difficult to be aliented from philosophy), while simultaenously providing a structural analogy for the philosophical approach to other intellectual traditions (e.g.: science, religion), just as the history of philosophizing about the history of philosophy itself has, at several surprising occassions, been intertwined with ideas orignating from the history of religion.
Bernáth László: Morális felelősség, érdem és kontroll. A morális felelősség metafizikája. Budapest: L’Harmattan Kiadó – MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, 2019.
The book examines the conditions of moral responsibility and whether they are compatible with determinism. Based on the analysis of the concept of merit, the book argues that alternative options are an important condition for moral responsibility, and therefore moral responsibility cannot be reconciled with determinism.
Cat, Jordi – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. Cham: Springer, 2019.
Hörcher Ferenc – Körmendy Imre – Tóbiás Krisztián (szerk.): A kisváros dicsérete. Balatonfüred: Balatonfüred Városért Közalapítvány, 2019.
This multi-authored, interdisciplinary volume of studies addresses urban, historical and philosophical issues related to small towns, with an undisguised bias towards those small towns.
Pascucci, Matteo – Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Special Issue: „Reflecting on the legacy of C.I. Lewis: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Modal Logic”, Organon F, 26(3), 2019.
Ruszkai Szilvia Éva – Szabados Bettina – Furtado Renátó – Szabó Ferenc (szerk.): Ütközéspontok IV.: A Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége Filozófiai Osztálya konferenciájának kötete. Szeged: JATEPress, 2019.
The volume is based on the talks from the annual conference of the Philosophy Department of the National Association of Doctoral Students.
Szécsi Gábor – Mák Kornél: Történet és történelem. A narrativista történelemfilozófia alapjai. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale Kiadó, 2019.
Tuboly Ádám Tamás: Advocatus Diaboli – Quine és a modális logika. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2019.
Bernáth László – Márton Miklós (szerk.): Tudomány vagy tapasztalat? A fenomenológia és a naturalizmus szerepe a filozófiai elméletalkotásban. Budapest: Fakultás Könyvkiadó – MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, 2018.
The volume of studies examines the relationship between scientific findings and phenomenological experience. Although science is often thought to be rooted in phenomenological experience, closer examination shows that the relationship between the two is much more complex than this, since phenomenological experience is not intersubjective, while scientific findings must be.
Hofer-Szabó, Gábor – Vecsernyés, Péter: Quantum Theory and Local Causality. Dordrecht: Springer Brief, 2018.
This book summarizes the results of research the authors have pursued in the past years on the problem of implementing Bell's notion of local causality in local physical theories and relating it to other important concepts and principles in the foundations of physics such as the Common Cause Principle, Bell's inequalities, the EPR (Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen) scenario, and various other locality and causality concepts. The book is intended for philosophers of science with an interest in the formal background of sciences, philosophers of physics and physicists working in foundation of physics.
Hörcher, Ferenc – Lorman, Thomas (szerk.): A History of the Hungarian Constitution: Law, Government and Political Culture in Central Europe. New York, London: I. B. Tauris, 2018.
This volume is the fruit of a collaboration with the University of London, and traces the development of Hungarian constitutional thought from the Middle Ages to the Fundamental Law.
Márton Miklós – Tőzsér János (szerk.): Az érzelmek jelentése és a jelentés tapasztalata, Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2018.
Tőzsér János: Az igazság pillanatai. Esszé a filozófiai megismerés sikertelenségéről. Budapest: Kalligram, 2018.
Tuboly Ádám Tamás: Egység és tolerancia. A logikai empirizmus tudományos világfelfogása. Budapest: MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézet, 2018.
Varga Péter András: A fenomenológia keletkezéstörténete mint filozófiai probléma. Budapest: BTK, 2018.
The book pursues a twofold objective: on the one hand, it attempts to draw a comprehensive account of the genesis of phenomenology by examining the historical-philosophical intricacies of this history at the level of their non-trivial complexity, and, on the other hand, it also seeks to go beyond its own historiographical task by aiming at direct philosophical relevance, insofar as it also seeks to explore the philosophical stakes of this very historical question.
Hofer-Szabó, Gábor – Wronski, Leszek (szerk.): Making it Formally Explicit – Probability, Causality and Indeterminism. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, 2017.
This book collects research papers on the philosophical foundations of probability, causality, spacetime and quantum theory. The papers are related to talks presented in six subsequent workshops organized by The Budapest–Kraków Research Group on Probability, Causality and Determinism.
Márton Miklós – Molnár Gábor – Tőzsér János (szerk.): Más elmék. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2017.
Németh, Attila: Epicurus on the Self. London – New York: Routledge, 2017.
Németh's book is an original and valuable contribution to our understanding of Epicureanism, exploring Epicurus’ notion of the self in a comprehensive manner, throwing light on its many different aspects: physical, psychological, epistemic, moral, and spiritual. To my knowledge, this is the only published study to undertake and successfully accomplish such a broad task.
Rozgonyi József: Dubia de Initiis Transcendentalis Idealismi Kantiani / A kanti transzcendentális idealizmus alapvető tételeivel kapcsolatos kételyek. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó – MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Filozófiai Intézet, 2017.
Edition of a fundamental source text of the Hungarian Debate on Kantianism (1792–1822). Emended Latin text with a Hungarian translation and abundant notes and bibliography. The translator, Ágoston Guba is a former fellow of our institute.
Szontagh Gusztáv: Emlékezések életemből. Szerk. Mester Béla. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó – MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Filozófiai Intézet, 2017.
First edition of the memoires of a significant figure of the philosophical life of the Hungarian Reform Era (1825–1848), remained in manuscript.
Tuboly, Ádám Tamás (szerk.): Special Issue: „The Life and Work of Philipp Frank”, Studies in East European Thought, 69(3), 2017.
Barcsi Tamás: Három filozófiai kérdés az emberről. Máriabesnyő: Attraktor, 2016.
The book discusses the issues of death, recognition and humanism.
Hörcher Ferenc – Lajtai Mátyás – Mester Béla (szerk.): Nemzet, faj, kultúra: A hosszú 19. században Magyarországon és Európában. Budapest: MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet, 2016.
The multi-authored volume is one of the results of an OTKA project on the concept of the nation, led by Gábor Gyáni and Péter Dávidházi. This volume explores the history of key concepts like nation, race and culture.
Mester Béla (szerk.): Régiók, határok, identitások. (Kelet-) Közép-Európa a (magyar) filozófiatörténetben. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó – MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Filozófiai Intézet, 2016.
Volume of essays on the history of Hungarian philosophy in Central European context. Other contributors of the volume from our institute were Péter András Varga; and our former fellows, Gábor Kovács, József Simon, Ágoston Guba, László Székely, Pál Horváth, Zoltán Turgonyi and László Gergely Szücs.
Szécsi Gábor: Média és társadalom az információ korában. Kommunikációfilozófiai adalékok a mediatizáció fogalmához. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2016.
Bárány Tibor – Tőzsér János – Zvolenszky Zsófia (szerk.): Metafora, relevancia, jelentés. Budapest: Loisir, 2015.
Hörcher, Ferenc – Mester, Béla – Turgonyi, Zoltán (szerk.): Is a Universal Morality Possible? Budapest: L’Harmattan Kiadó, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy, 2015.
This volume is a joint work by philosophers, theologians and historians of ideas, which seeks to answer the question of whether in the postmodern age a unified morality can still be posited, or whether moral values have disintegrated and can no longer be considered universal.
Márton Miklós – Molnár Gábor – Tőzsér János (szerk.): Realizmus, magyarázat, megértés. Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2015.