Balazs Gyenis' article, titled Physical, Empirical, and Conductive Inductive Possibility, recently appeared in Philosophy of Physics. The article can be accessed online here.
The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everyone to the upcoming workshop entitled Ethnical, Linguistic and Historical Aspects of Identity in the East-Central European Intellectual History.
Balazs Gyenis will give a talk titled The Causal Second Law at the Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar of ELTE BTK on the 28th of February, 2025, starting at 4:15pm. For details see the seminar's website via this link.
The Forum of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy cordially invites everyone to their upcoming online lecture by Prof. Stephen White (University of Texas), entitled Critolaus and the Peripatetic Telos, to be held on the 24th of February, 2024.
Gábor Gángó, scientific advisor of the Institute of Philosophy, delivered a lecture titled For the Soviet Bloc better than Hannah Arendt? Ágnes Heller’s theory of totalitarianism on 28 January, 2025 in Erfurt.
A new study by Gábor Szécsi entitled The Linguistic Foundations of the Mediatization of Communities in Digital Culture has been published in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts.
The latest Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on A. J. Ayer has been published with the contribution of Ádám Tamás Tuboly.
The HUN-REN Institute of Philosophy cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Steven Gouveia (University of Porto) entitled “Anyway, he looks like a [AI] Doc, doesn't he?”: Ethical Challenges in Medical AI, to be held on the 11th of February, at 11 AM.
The talk and the subsequent discussion will be held in English.
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