This international conference which will take place in Budapest, Hungary on the 7th of June, 2024, is organized on the occasion of the 70th birthday of László E. Szabó.
For the detailed schedule, see the poster below.
The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everyone to the upcoming workshop entitled Intersections of Dependency and Ideological Conflict. New Perspectives on Orientalizing Narratives in Hungary and Poland. Co-organizing the event is the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The Budapest Reading Seminar on the Foundations of Physics cordially invites everyone to their upcoming reading seminar which will be held on 6 June, 2024. The aim of the event is to bring together researchers and students with a background in physics, mathematics or philosophy of science and to create a platform to discuss some foundational questions of modern physics.
The Forum of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy cordially invites everyone to their upcoming international workshop, funded by the University of Crete, entitled The Limits of Nature in Hellenistic and Roman Thought. The main organisers of the event are Attila Németh (HUN-REN BTK FI) and Georgia Tsouni (Department of Philology, Division of Classical Studies, University of Crete).
The detailed schedule and the abstracts of the presentations can be found at the conference's website.
The HUN-REN Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Cody James Inglis (doctoral candidate in comparative history at the Department of History, Central European University, Vienna) entitled Republicanism on the Left in Hungary and Yugoslavia, 1918–1948. Remarks on a Regional Intellectual History.
Cover picture: Maksim Gaspari, Caricature of Albin Prepeluh as a Jacobin, 1925, in Arhiv Republike Slovenije (Ljubljana), SI AS 2077 Zbirka Albina Prepeluha, t.e. 4.
The HUN-REN Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Adrian Kuźniar (PhD, Hab. Head of the International Studies in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw), entitled Lewisian Compatibilism and the Inability to Work Miracles. The talk will be given in English.
Regular faculty member of the institute, Gábor Szabó will be holding a lecture on the 25th of March, titled Operational equivalence and causal structure, as part of the London School of Economics' Sigma Club event series.
The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Prof. Costica Bradatan entitled Becoming a Martyr Philosopher. The talk will be given in English.
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