hartl peter 


research fellow

Email: hartl.peter at abtk.hu


List of publications

Research group


Value-Polarizations in Science

Phone number

Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4166
Research area


David Hume's epistemology and philosophy of religion, contemporary epistemology, theories of normativity and rationality

Research project


Morals and Science, MTA Lendület Programme




Selected publications from the last five years


The Value of Truth, Special Issue, (szerk. Luca Moretti, Peter Hartl, Akos Gyarmathy), Synthese (megjelenés alatt)

The taming of religion: Hume's sceptical theism and his criticism of vulgar religion in context, Disszertáció/PhD/Tudományos (2018)

Modal scepticism, Yablo-style conceivability, and analogical reasoning, Synthese 193:(1) pp. 269-291. (2016)