laki 2015 


senior research fellow

Email: laki.janos at


List of publications

Research group



Phone numbers
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4683
Research area


Epistemology, philosophy of science

Research project





Philosophy of science, Corvinus University of Budapest, PhD Programme in Business and Management

Selected publications from the last five years


Laki, J. „The One-Dimensionality of Scientific Relativism”, Science and Technology Studies (forthcoming)

Laki, J. „Szemünk által homályosan. Galilei észleléselmélete és a kopernikuszi kozmológia” In Laki, J.; Székely, L. (ed.) A kopernikuszi fordulat fél évezred távlatában. Budapest: L’Harmattan 2016.

Laki, J. „The Role of Informal Logic in the Kuhnian Scientific Change” In A. Schumann (ed.), Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science and Discourse, University Press of America, 2013.

Laki, J. „Versions of Externalism. Hungarian Contributions to the Post-Positivist Philosophy of Science” In A. Schumann (ed.), Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science and Discourse, University Press of America, 2013.

Laki, J. „A fejedelem és a természetfilozófia. Hume: tapasztalat, tanúk, tudomány”, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 2012/1, 9 - 25.