senior research fellow Email: laki.janos at abtk.hu |
Research group
Epistemology |
Phone numbers
Room number
+ 36 1 224 6700/4683
Research area
Epistemology, philosophy of science |
Research project
-- |
Philosophy of science, Corvinus University of Budapest, PhD Programme in Business and Management |
Selected publications from the last five years
Laki, J. „The One-Dimensionality of Scientific Relativism”, Science and Technology Studies (forthcoming) Laki, J. „Szemünk által homályosan. Galilei észleléselmélete és a kopernikuszi kozmológia” In Laki, J.; Székely, L. (ed.) A kopernikuszi fordulat fél évezred távlatában. Budapest: L’Harmattan 2016. Laki, J. „The Role of Informal Logic in the Kuhnian Scientific Change” In A. Schumann (ed.), Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science and Discourse, University Press of America, 2013. Laki, J. „Versions of Externalism. Hungarian Contributions to the Post-Positivist Philosophy of Science” In A. Schumann (ed.), Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science and Discourse, University Press of America, 2013. Laki, J. „A fejedelem és a természetfilozófia. Hume: tapasztalat, tanúk, tudomány”, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 2012/1, 9 - 25. |