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senior research fellow Email: kovacs.gabor at abtk.hu |
Research group
Hungarian Philosophy |
Phone numbers
Room number
+36 1 224 6700/4191
Researh area
political philosophy, green political thought, cultural criticism |
Research project
Running research projects: The tradition of “sensus communis” in the Hungarian thought: Philosophy and the public realm; public philosophy, national philosophy, national characterology. NKFIH-number: K 135 638, OTKA-project: researcher. Principal investigator: Béla Mester. Westernisers and "Narodniks". Dichotomous Identity-Generating Narratives in the 19th-20th-century Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History (2020-2022). Bilateral project: researcher. Principal investigator: Béla Mester. The migration of ideas and the formation of national philosophical traditions: dialogues across the borders / Миграция идей и формирование национальных философских традиций: диалоги поверх границ (2020–2022) (No. 20-511-23002). Bilateral project: researcher. Principal investigator: Béla Mester. Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) concepts – Philosophical, Sociological and Historical Analyses. (2020–2022). Bilateral project: researcher. Principal investigator: Borbála Jász |
Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös University Budapest |
Selected publications from the last five years
(2023). Kovács, G., "How to Become Gods by Our Own Strength? - Technology, HumanCondition and the Idea of God in Technological Transhumanism." In: Petkovšek, Robert; Žalec, Bojan (eds.) Hope and Trust in Times of Global Despair and Mistrust, Münster: LIT Verlag Münster, pp. 135–142. (2023). Kovács, G., "Self-Construction in the World Web and the Borders of Freedom in Pandemic Times." In: Methi, Jan Selmer; Nikiforova, Basia (eds.) Borderology: Spatial Perspective, Theoretical and Practical, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 191–197. (2023). Kovács, G., "The cultural criticism of Lewis Mumford and the creative city planning as an answer to the ecological crisis of modern civilisation," Creativity Studies 16:1, pp. 145–157. (2022). Kovács, G., The resilience and fragility of technological civilization – Dilemmas in troubled times," in: Robert, Petkovšek; Bojan, Žalec (eds.) Ethics of Resilience: Vulnerability and Survival in Times of Pandemics and Global Uncertainty. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 61–68. (2021). Kovács, G., A kiborg és az emberi állapot. Budapest: Liget Műhely Alapítvány, 295 p. |