

research fellow (on leave)
Fellow in philosophy of physics, at LSE

Email: gyenis.balazs at


List of publications


Research group


Philosophy of physics

Phone numbers
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4180
Research area


Philosophy of modern physics, general philosophy of science

Research project


A formal approach to the metaphysical foundations of physics (NKFIH K115593, 2015-2019) 



ELTE TÁTK ELTECON: philosophy of science for economists

LSE Department of Logic, Philosophy and Scientific Method: philosophy of physics and finance.

Selected publications from the last five years


2017: "Maxwell and the normal distribution: A colored story of probability, independence, and tendency toward equilibrium", Studies in History and Philosophy of  Modern Physics 57, 53-65.

2017: "Is it the Principal Principle that implies the Principle of Indifference?", in: L.  Wronski, G. Szabó (eds.): Making it Formally Explicit: Probability, Causality and  Indeterminism. New York: Springer International Publishing, 35-41. (with L. Wronski)

2017: "How do macrostates come about?", in: L. Wronski, G. Szabó (szerk.): Making it Formally Explicit: Probability, Causality and Indeterminism. New York: Springer International Publishing, 213-229. (with M. Gömörivel and G. Szabó)

2017: "Ki magyarázta először az egyensúly felé törekvést?", Fizikai Szemle 750, 2017/6.

2013: "Determinizmus és interpretáció", Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 57, 85-100.