

senior research fellow


Email: szekely.laszlo at



List of publications

Research group


History of philosophy; Epistemology


Phone number
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/190


Research area


- The history of modern cosmology and its philosophical-epistemological background

- The history and physical interpretations of relativity theory

- The anthropic cosmological principle

- Science and religion

- Science and hermeneutics

- Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science in the light of recent researches in history and philosophy of science


Research project


a) "Melchior Palagyi's philosophy of science". A subproject of "Narratives of the Hungarian History of Philosophy", a project supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund.  (Principle investigator: Béla Mester)

b) "The philosophical, metaphysical and cultural aspects of modern cosmology and relativity theory". A subproject of "Philosophical Questions of Physics", a project supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund.  (Principle investigator: László Ropolyi.)




Eötvös Loránd University, Department of the History and Philosophy of
Science, invited lecturer


Selected publications from the last five years


Székely László

"Interpretációk a fizikában"

MAGYAR FILOZÓFIAI SZEMLE 57:(2) pp. 67-84. (2013)

Székely László

A fizikai megismerés határairól és határtalanságáról: A Higgs-bozon és a fizika „végső elmélet”-e

PANNONHALMI SZEMLE 103:(4) pp. 20-34. (2013)

László Székely

“Lajos Jánossy’s Reformulation of Relativity Theory.”

In: Poggi Stefano, Breidbach Olaf, Forstner Christian (szerk.)

Jahrbuch für Europäische Wissenschaftskultur / Yearbook for European Culture of Science 
6. Stuttgart
Franz Steiner Verlag, 2012. pp. 254-270.

Székely László

William Paley természetes teológiája ma

VIGILIA 77:(3) p. 188. 8 p. (2012)

Székely László

"A tudományos forradalmak szerkezete és a kopernikuszi recepció - 50 év után"

KELLÉK -:(47) pp. 51-75. (2012)