sivado small 


assistant research fellow

Email: sivado.akos at


List of publications

Research group


History and philosophy of science


Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4166
Research area


Philosophy of the social sciences, historical epistemology of the human sciences

Research project


Morals and Science, MTA Lendület Programme



Department of Philosophy, University of Pécs

Selected publications from the last five years


1) Sivadó Ákos (2018): A megértés mestersége, Budapest: MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézet

2) Akos Sivado (2017): Resurrecting the Body Politick: Physiology’s Influence on Sir William Petty’s Political Arithmetick, Early Science and Medicine 22(2-3), 157–182.

3) Akos Sivado (2015): The Shape of Things to Come? Reflections on the Ontological Turn in Anthropology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45(1), 83–99.