Ferenc Hörcher is giving a talk on 1 June 2017 in the framwork of the Lithuanian-Hungarian bilateral research project 'Conception of Creative City within Central Europe: Historical Images and Empirical Indices' at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. The title of the talk is 'The Dark Night of the City. Solar Construction and Urban Destruction in Communist Minsk'.
Ferenc Hörcher is giving three consecutive talks in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, at Babes-Bolyai University of Sciences.
He is going to talk about The Tradition of Urban Republicanism and Its Key Concepts at the Hungarian Institute of Philosophy, on 23 May 2017., at 10.00 am at the main building of BBTE (Farkas/Kogặlniceanu str., 1.), I. floor, BÖHM KÁROLY lecture hall.
He is giving a paper on The concept of Civic Republicanism and Its Relevance Today at the Department of Political Science on 24 May 2017 at 12.00 pm (noon).
Finally, his lecture is titled The Model of Late Medieval and Renaissance City Republics, and scheduled at 12.00 pm (noon) on 25 May, 2017 at the Institute of History.
The History and Philosophy of Science research group of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to a talk by Prof. Robert Rupert (University of Colorado, Boulder) entitled "The Primacy of Subpersonal Content". The talk is scheduled at 4 pm on the 24th of May.
In this talk, I argue that so-called subpersonal content is the primary form of mental content, by arguing that subpersonal content is the only kind of content that has a causal-explanatory role to play in cognitive science or, to the extent that personal-level content plays a causal-explanatory role in cognitive science, its doing so is strongly parasitic on the causal-explanatory role of subpersonal content. Among other points, I emphasize (i) a deep asymmetry in the modal profiles of the two kinds of content and (ii) the failure of the distinctive aspects of personal-level content (what is thought of as its robustly normative nature, for example) to do causal-explanatory work. Thus, if there is personal-level content, it derives from or depends upon a more fundamental kind of content, subpersonal content, not vice versa (contrary to claims of such philosophers as John McDowell).
Tamás Demeter has been awarded a MTA Lendület grant for the project "Morals and values in modern science". The grant will support the work of his research group for the next five years. Dr. Demeter’s research group will investigate (from historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives) the values in the background of scientific research, orienting, limiting and justifying it in various ways. Members of the research group will focus on case studies about the often unreflected and thereby rationally uncontrolled cognitive, moral, social and aesthetic values that characterize the history of modern science between the 17th and the 20th centuries.
Gábor Hofer-Szabó is giving two talks in the Netherlands: "Three levels of Bell's inequalities" at the Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar, University of Amsterdam, on 19 May, and "Bell's local causality" at the Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences, University of Utrecht, on 22 May.
Our Conference entitled Ratio Civilis to be held on 17-18. November 2017. in Budapest - with keynote speakers Heinz Schilling (Germany) and Hans Blom (Holland) - is postponed until 31 May, 2017.
Title of proposed paper and short abstract to be sent to
The Registers of Philosophy III
May 13, 2017
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Centre for the Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán street 4., 7th floor
9:30-9:40 Opening – Ferenc Hörcher (MTA) Tamás Paár (PPKE)
Adam S. Potkay (College of William & Mary, Virginia): Rhetoric and Philosophy from Cicero to Adam Smith: Tropes, Dialogue, Self-Division
10:30-10:40 Commentary by Zsolt Komáromy (ELTE)
10:40-11:10 Discussion
11:10-11:40 Coffee break
11:40-11:05 Dániel Schmal (PPKE): Cartesian Cogito Enacted
11:05-11:30 Anna Jani (ELTE): The Hermeneutics of Textuality and the Questioning of Reality
11:30-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
(cold dishes are going to be served for all participants)
Richard Heinrich (University of Vienna): Does Philosophy Need (its own) Words?
13:50-14:00 Commentary by András Rónai
14:00-14:30 Discussion
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-15:25 Adrienne Gálosi (University of Pécs): Cute Madonnas and Sublime Installations
15:25-15:50 Dániel L. Golden (MTA): The Place for the Literary in Richard Rorty’s Philosophy
15:50-16:20 Discussion
The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series
László Bernáth - Tamás Paár (IF RCH HAS):
Is it allowed to believe in moral responsibility? (given in Hungarian)
Date and Venue of the lecture: 16th May 2017, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 4. Tóth Kálmán Street, 7. floor, "Trapese" room.
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