Tudományos fokozat: PhD
Beosztás: tudományos munkatárs
Osztály, kutatócsoport: Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Osztály, Fizika Filozófiája Kutatócsoport
Szobaszám: B.7.27.
Személyes honlap: Gyenis Balázs
Academic degree: PhD
Position: Research Fellow
Department, research group: History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics Research Group
Room: B.7.27.
Personal web-page: Gyenis Balázs
Év | Intézmény |
2018-2020 | Fizika filozófiája munkatárs, Filozófia, Logika, és Tudományos Módszer Tanszék, London School of Economics, Anglia. |
2015- | Tudományos munkatárs, Filozófiai Intézet HUN-REN BTK. |
2014 | Vendégelőadó, Filozófia Tanszék, Illinois Egyetem, Egyesült Államok. |
2012-2015 | Tudományos segédmunkatárs (fiatal kutató), Filozófiai Intézet, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont. |
Időpont | Intézmény, képesítés |
2013 | PhD : Tudománytörténet- és Tudományfilozófia, Pittsburghi Egyetem |
2011 | MA : Tudománytörténet- és Tudományfilozófia, Pittsburghi Egyetem |
2008 | MSc : Fizika, Pittsburghi Egyetem |
2005 | MA : Filozófia, Pittsburghi Egyetem |
2003 | MSc : Elméleti Közgazdaságtan, Corvinus Egyetem (öt éves egységes képzés, Sztochasztikus Módszerek mellékszakirány) |
Év | Díj, projekt megnevezése |
2019 | Excellence in Education Award, London School of Economics |
2016 | Az ELTECON legjobb óraadója |
2009-2010 | Faculty of Arts Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh |
2008 | Andrew Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh |
2005-2007 | Faculty of Arts Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh. |
2004 | Faculty of Arts Teaching Assistantship, University of Pittsburgh. |
2003 | Andrew Mellon Fellowship. |
2001 | Első helyezés az Országos Tudományos Diákkör Konferencia (OTDK) Filozófia szekciójában. |
Years | Institute |
2018-2020 | Fellow in Philosophy of Physics, Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method, London School of Economics. |
2015- | Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy HUN-REN RCH. |
2014 | Visiting Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois, UC, USA. |
2012-2015 | Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities. |
Years | Institute |
2013 | PhD : History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh |
2011 | MA : History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh |
2008 | MSc : Physics, University of Pittsburgh |
2005 | MA : Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh |
2003 | MSc : Theoretical Economics, Corvinus University (with a minor in Stochastic Processes) |
Years | Award, scholarship, project |
2019 | Excellence in Education Award, London School of Economics |
2016 | ‘Best lecturer of ELTECON in 2016’ Award. |
2009-2010 | Faculty of Arts Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh |
2008 | Andrew Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh |
2005-2007 | Faculty of Arts Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh. |
2004 | Faculty of Arts Teaching Assistantship, University of Pittsburgh. |
2003 | Andrew Mellon Fellowship. |
2001 | National University Students’ Biannual Research Competition (“OTDK”), first prize in Philosophy |
Kutatási területek
Specializáció: tudományfilozófia, modern fizika filozófiája
Kompetencia: metafizika, formális episztemológia, közgazdaságtan és matematika filozófiája, fizikatörténet
Projekt azonosító | Projekt neve | Kezdő év | Záró év | Hyperlink | Vezető kutató neve |
OTKA K-134275 | A valószínűség, a kauzalitás és a kontextualitás alapjainak újragondolása: alkalmazások a fizikában és azon túl | 2020 | 2025 | BP Group | Szabó Gábor |
OTKA K-115593 | A fizika metafizikai alapkérdései formális megközelítésben | 2015 | 2020 | BP Group Tumblr | Szabó Gábor |
Szabad Változók (2004-2017) |
Philosophy of Physics Society |
Etikai Bizottság, HUN-REN BTK |
Időpont | Konferencia |
2023 | Reduction and inter-theoretical relationships in the sciences, CONICET/SADAF https://reductasango.tumblr.com/ |
2022 | Quantum foundations, probability, categories, HUN-REN RCH https://redei70.tumblr.com/ |
Év | Előadás | Konferencia | Helyszín, intézmény |
2024 November | Hempel’s dilemma, theory supervenience, and an optimistic meta-induction | 29th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association | New Orleans, USA |
2024 | What is a theory? | Meaning, Truth, and Physics conference | Institute of Philosophy, HUN-REN BTK |
2023 | Melyik szabad akarat létrehozásához szükséges Bernáth László érvei? (meghívott előadás) | Does Freedom of Will Exists? Conference | Institute of Philosophy, HUN-REN BTK |
2023 | Empirical possibility and physical possibility (meghívott előadás) | Modalities conference | HUN-REN BTK FI, Budapest |
2023 | Theory supervenience and future changes of physics | Reduction and inter-theoretical relationships in the sciences conference | SADAF, Buenos Aires |
2023 | Theory supervenience and future changes of physics (meghívott előadás) | Philosophy Seminar | Jagiellonian University, Krakow |
2022 | From philosophy to science, and back again (meghívott előadás) | Philosophy and Science: Rivals or Allies conference | Institute of Philosophy, ELKH |
2022 | Hempel’s dilemma and the optimistic meta-induction (meghívott előadás) | Research Seminar in Decision and Action Theory | LMU (Munich) |
2022 | Hempel’s dilemma and the optimistic meta-induction (meghívott előadás) | Workshop: Physicalism | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy |
2022 | Causation: a dynamical systems approach (meghívott előadás) | CONICET | University of Buenos Aires |
2022 | Hempel dilemma, optimistic meta-induction, and multiple realization (meghívott előadás) | Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar | |
2021 | Hempel’s dilemma and the optimistic meta-induction | Physicalism Workshop | Institute of Philosophy, ELKH |
2021 | Physicalism | Research seminar of the Institute of Philosophy | ELKH |
2020 | Whatever Happened to Efficient Causes in Physics? (meghívott előadás, reflexió Klima Gyula gondolataira) | Research seminar of the Institute of Philosophy | ELKH |
2020 | A dynamical systems approach to causation (meghívott előadás) | Causation and Reduction: From Metaphysics to the Sciences | UIUC (Zoom) |
2019 | On Why Functionalism is a Form of Token-dualism | Physicalism and Reduction | Budapest |
2019 | A dynamical systems approach to causation (meghívott előadás) | Cambridge Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar | UK |
2019 | A proof of tendency towards equilibrium (meghívott előadás) | Sigma Club Lecture Series | Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics |
2019 | Slowing clocks, shrinking rods, and curved spacetimes (meghívott előadás) | Johannes Kepler University, Linz | |
2018 | Towards new notion(s) of physical possibility (meghívott előadás) | Popper Seminar | LSE |
2018 | Determinism, Physical Possibility, and Laws of Nature | Philosophy of Science Association conference | Seattle |
2018 | What powers inductive inference | The Material Theory of Induction and Beyond | Pittsburgh |
2018 | Towards new notion(s) of physical possibility (meghívott előadás) | Modality in physics | Krakow |
2018 | Do ideal gases have color? (meghívott előadás) | Science Studies Workshop | MTA-CEU |
2018 | Physical possibility for actualists | Theoretical Philosophy Forum | ELTE |
2017 | Approach towards equilibrium and the interpretation of probability (meghívott előadás, megismételve az SZTE TTIK Elméleti Fizika Tanszék Szemináriumán 2018-ban) | MTA Wigner FK RMI | |
2017 | Results in Bayesian learning theory – In the footsteps of Miklos Redei (Gyenis Zalánnal) | Quantum Investigations | LSE |
2017 | Humean supervenience and objective modality (meghívott előadás) | Modally rich metaphysical landscapes | Krakow |
Research Interests
Area of specialization: general philosophy of science, philosophy of physics
Area of competence: metaphysics, formal epistemology, philosophy of economics and mathematics, history of physics
Identifer | Title | Since | Until | Hyperlink | Project leader |
OTKA K-134275 | A valószínűség, a kauzalitás és a kontextualitás alapjainak újragondolása: alkalmazások a fizikában és azon túl | 2020 | 2025 | BP Group | Szabó Gábor |
OTKA K-115593 | A fizika metafizikai alapkérdései formális megközelítésben | 2015 | 2020 | BP Group Tumblr | Szabó Gábor |
Free Variables (2004-2017) |
Philosophy of Physics Society |
Ethics Board of HUN-REN RCH |
Time | Conference |
2023 | Reduction and inter-theoretical relationships in the sciences, CONICET/SADAF https://reductasango.tumblr.com/ |
2022 | Quantum foundations, probability, categories, HUN-REN RCH https://redei70.tumblr.com/ |
Time | Title of talk | Conference | Location, institute |
2024 November | Hempel’s dilemma, theory supervenience, and an optimistic meta-induction | 29th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association | New Orleans, USA |
2024 | What is a theory? | Meaning, Truth, and Physics conference | Institute of Philosophy, HUN-REN BTK |
2023 | Melyik szabad akarat létrehozásához szükséges Bernáth László érvei? (invited talk) | Does Freedom of Will Exists? Conference | Institute of Philosophy, HUN-REN BTK |
2023 | Empirical possibility and physical possibility (invited talk) | Modalities conference | HUN-REN BTK FI, Budapest |
2023 | Theory supervenience and future changes of physics | Reduction and inter-theoretical relationships in the sciences conference | SADAF, Buenos Aires |
2023 | Theory supervenience and future changes of physics (invited talk) | Philosophy Seminar | Jagiellonian University, Krakow |
2022 | From philosophy to science, and back again (invited talk) | Philosophy and Science: Rivals or Allies conference | Institute of Philosophy, ELKH |
2022 | Hempel’s dilemma and the optimistic meta-induction (invited talk) | Research Seminar in Decision and Action Theory | LMU (Munich) |
2022 | Hempel’s dilemma and the optimistic meta-induction (invited talk) | Workshop: Physicalism | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy |
2022 | Causation: a dynamical systems approach (invited talk) | CONICET | University of Buenos Aires |
2022 | Hempel dilemma, optimistic meta-induction, and multiple realization (invited talk) | Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar | |
2021 | Hempel’s dilemma and the optimistic meta-induction | Physicalism Workshop | Institute of Philosophy, ELKH |
2021 | Physicalism | Research seminar of the Institute of Philosophy | ELKH |
2020 | Whatever Happened to Efficient Causes in Physics? (invited reflections on a talk by Gyula Klima) | Research seminar of the Institute of Philosophy | ELKH |
2020 | A dynamical systems approach to causation (invited talk) | Causation and Reduction: From Metaphysics to the Sciences | UIUC (Zoom) |
2019 | On Why Functionalism is a Form of Token-dualism | Physicalism and Reduction | Budapest |
2019 | A dynamical systems approach to causation (invited talk) | Cambridge Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar | UK |
2019 | A proof of tendency towards equilibrium (invited talk) | Sigma Club Lecture Series | Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics |
2019 | Slowing clocks, shrinking rods, and curved spacetimes (invited talk) | Johannes Kepler University, Linz | |
2018 | Towards new notion(s) of physical possibility (invited talk) | Popper Seminar | LSE |
2018 | Determinism, Physical Possibility, and Laws of Nature | Philosophy of Science Association conference | Seattle |
2018 | What powers inductive inference (invited conference seminar) | The Material Theory of Induction and Beyond | Pittsburgh |
2018 | Towards new notion(s) of physical possibility (invited talk) | Modality in physics | Krakow |
2018 | Do ideal gases have color? (invited talk) | Science Studies Workshop | MTA-CEU |
2018 | Physical possibility for actualists | Theoretical Philosophy Forum | ELTE |
2017 | Approach towards equilibrium and the interpretation of probability (invited talk, repeated in SZTE TTIK Theoretical Physics Department Seminar in 2018) | MTA Wigner FK RMI | |
2017 | Results in Bayesian learning theory – In the footsteps of Miklos Redei (with Zalán Gyenis) | Quantum Investigations | LSE |
2017 | Humean supervenience and objective modality (invited conference talk) | Modally rich metaphysical landscapes | Krakow |
London School of Economics | |
2019/20 tavasz | „Physics and the City,” előadó. |
2019/20 ősz | „Einstein for Everyone,” előadó. |
2018/19 tavasz | „Physics and the City,” előadó. |
2018/19 ősz | „Einstein for Everyone,” előadó. |
Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem | |
2023/24 ősz | „Methodology of Social Sciences,” előadó. |
2022/23 ősz | „Methodology of Social Sciences,” előadó. |
2020/21 ősz | „Scientific method,” előadó. |
2019/20 ősz | „Scientific method,” előadó. |
2018/19 ősz | „Tudományos módszertan és érveléstechnika,” előadó. |
2017/18 ősz | „Tudományos módszertan és érveléstechnika,” előadó. |
2016/17 ősz | „Tudományos módszertan és érveléstechnika”, előadó (alapszintű kurzus). A kurzus az oktatók összteljesítményének értékelésére vonatkozó hallgatói vélemények összesítése alapján, mintegy 30 óraadó közül az ELTECON 2016 legjobb óraadója díjat nyerte. |
Eötvös Kollégium | |
2024/25 ősz | „Philosophy of Science,” előadó. |
Szent István Szakkollégium (SZISZ) | |
2017/18 tavasz | „Philosophy of Science problems in the Social Sciences,” előadó. |
Illinois Egyetem | |
2013/14 tavasz | „Logic and Reasoning,” (alapszintű kurzus, előadó). |
2013/14 tavasz | „Symbolic logic,” (emelt szintű kurzus, előadó). |
2013/14 tavasz | „Formal logic and philosophy,” (Ph.D. kurzus, előadó). |
Pittsburghi Egyetem | |
2010/11 nyár | „Problem Solving - How Science Works?" előadó. |
2010/11 tavasz | „Magic, Medicine and Science,” Peter Machamer tanársegédjeként, |
2010/11 ősz | „Philosophy of 20th Century Physics," előadó. |
2009/10 nyár | „Problem Solving - How Science Works?," előadó. |
2009/10 tavasz | „Philosophy of 20th Century Physics," előadó. |
2009/10 ősz | „Problem Solving - How Science Works?," előadó. |
2007/08 tavasz | „Problem Solving - How Science Works?," előadó. |
2007/08 ősz | „Magic, Medicine and Science," előadó. |
2006/07 tavasz | „Magic, Medicine and Science," előadó. |
2006/07 ősz | „Myth and Science," előadó. |
2005/06 tavasz | „Myth and Science," előadó. |
2005/06 ősz | „Principles of Scientific Reasoning," előadó. |
2004/05 tavasz | „Explanations of Humans and Society," Peter Machamer tanársegédjeként, |
2004/05 ősz | „Thinking about the Environment," John Earman tanársegédjeként. |
ELTE BTK Doktori Iskola |
London School of Economics | |
2019/20 (spr) | “Physics and the City,” Instructor. |
2019/20 (fall) | “Einstein for Everyone,” Instructor. |
2018/19 (spr) | “Physics and the City,” Instructor. |
2018/19 (fall) | “Einstein for Everyone,” Instructor. |
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) | |
2023/24 (fall) | “Methodology of Social Sciences,” Instructor. |
2022/23 (fall) | “Methodology of Social Sciences,” Instructor. |
2020/21 (fall) | “Scientific method,” Instructor. |
2019/20 (fall) | “Scientific method,” Instructor. |
2018/19 (fall) | “Scientific method,” Instructor. |
2017/18 (fall) | “Scientific method,” Instructor. |
2016/17 (fall) | “Scientific method,” Instructor. |
Eötvös Kollégium | |
2024/25 (fall) | “Philosophy of Science,” Instructor. |
Szent István Szakkollégium (SZISZ) | |
2017/18 (spr) | “Philosophy of Science problems in the Social Sciences,” Instructor. |
University of Illinois, UC | |
2013/14 (spr) | “Logic and Reasoning,” Instructor. |
2013/14 (spr) | “Symbolic logic,” Instructor. |
2013/14 (spr) | “Formal logic and philosophy,” Instructor. |
University of Pittsburgh | |
2010/11 (sum) | “Problem Solving - How Science Works?,” Instructor. |
2010/11 (spr) | “Magic, Medicine and Science,” Teaching Assistant of Peter Machamer. |
2010/11 (fall) | “Philosophy of 20th Century Physics,” Instructor. |
2009/10 (sum) | “Problem Solving - How Science Works?,” Instructor. |
2009/10 (spr) | “Philosophy of 20th Century Physics,” Instructor. |
2009/10 (fall) | “Problem Solving - How Science Works?,” Instructor. |
2007/08 (spr) | “Problem Solving - How Science Works?,” Instructor. |
2007/08 (fall) | “Magic, Medicine and Science,” Instructor. |
2006/07 (spr) | “Magic, Medicine and Science,” Instructor. |
2006/07 (fall) | “Myth and Science,” Instructor. |
2005/06 (spr) | “Myth and Science,” Instructor. |
2005/06 (fall) | “Principles of Scientific Reasoning,” Instructor. |
2004/05 (spr) | “Explanations of Humans and Society,” Teaching Assistant of Peter Machamer. |
2004/05 (fall) | “Thinking about the Environment,” Teaching Assistant of John Earman. |
ELTE BTK Doctoral School |
"Physical, Empirical, and Conditional Inductive Possibility" (2025), Philosophy of Physics 3/1. |
„Melyik szabad akarat létezik?” (2024), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 2024/1. |
„Elmélet-szuperveniencia fizikalizmus és a fizika jövőbeli változásai” (2022), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 2022/3. |
„A dynamical systems approach to causation” (2021) (Fazekas Péterrel, Hofer-Szabó Gáborral, Kertész Gergővel), Synthese 198:11, 6068–6087. |
„Determinism, physical possibility, and laws of nature” (2020), Foundations of Physics 50, 568-–581. |
„Maxwell and the normal distribution: a colored story of probability, independence, and tendency toward equilibrium” (2017) Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 57, 53–65. |
A teljes bibliográfia és az egyes tanulmányokra való független hivatkozások az MTMT Adatbázisban tekinthetők meg. |
"Physical, Empirical, and Conditional Inductive Possibility" (2025), Philosophy of Physics 3/1. |
“Which freedom of will exists?” (2024), Hungarian Philosophical Review 2024/1 (in Hungarian). |
“Theory-supervenience physicalism and future changes of physics” (2022), Hungarian Philosophical Review 2022/3 (in Hungarian). |
“A dynamical systems approach to causation” (2021) (with: P. Fazekas, G. Hofer-Szabó, G. Kertész), Synthese 198:11, 6068–6087. |
“Determinism, physical possibility, and laws of nature” (2020), Foundations of Physics 50, 568-–581. DOI: 10.1007/s10701-020-00320-0 |
“Maxwell and the normal distribution: a colored story of probability, independence, and tendency toward equilibrium” (2017) Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 57, 53–65. |
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