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RCH Institute of Philosophy

Karakas Alexandra
Karakas Alexandra
Karakas, Alexandra

Tudományos fokozat: PhD

Beosztás: tudományos munkatárs

Osztály, kutatócsoport: Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Osztály, Értékek és Tudomány Kutatócsoport

Szobaszám: B.7.12.

E-mail cím: 

mtmt hu

Academic degree: PhD

Position: Research Fellow

Department, research group: History and Philosophy of Science, Value Polarizations in Science Research Group

Room: B.7.12.


mtmt en

2024- Research Fellow, MTA Lendület Values and Science Research Group, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy
2023- Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2021-2023 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2021-2024 Assistant Research Fellow, MTA Lendület Values and Science Research Group, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy


Tanulmányok, tudományos fokozatok
IdőpontIntézmény, képesítés
2017-2022 PhD, School in Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University. Thesis defended: March 10, 2023. 
2014-2016 Master’s Degree, Design Theory, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
2011-2014 Bachelor’s Degree, Art and Design Theory, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design


Díjak és ösztöndíjak
ÉvDíj, projekt megnevezése
2024-2025 University Research Scholarship, (Egyetemi Kutatói Ösztöndíj), Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2024 Youth International Conference Participation Support (Ifjúsági Nemzetközi Konferencia-részvétel támogatás), Hungarian Academy of Science
2024 European Philosophy of Science Association Fellow, Descartes Institute, University of Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands 
2019 Society for Philosophy and Technology Gradute Student Paper Award for the paper titled Technical Artefacts and the Problem of Malfunction 
2015-2016 Erasmus Scholarship, National College of Art and Design, Dublin
Academic positions
Since 2024 Research Fellow, MTA Lendület Values and Science Research Group, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy
Since 2023 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2021-2023 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2021-2024 Assistant Research Fellow, MTA Lendület Values and Science Research Group, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy


Education, academic degrees
2017-2022 PhD, School in Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University. Thesis defended: March 10, 2023. 
2014-2016 Master’s Degree, Design Theory, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
2011-2014 Bachelor’s Degree, Art and Design Theory, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design


Scholarships and Awards
YearsAward, scholarship, project
2024-2025 University Research Scholarship, (Egyetemi Kutatói Ösztöndíj), Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2024 Youth International Conference Participation Support (Ifjúsági Nemzetközi Konferencia-részvétel támogatás), Hungarian Academy of Science
2024 European Philosophy of Science Association Fellow, Descartes Institute, University of Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands 
2019 Society for Philosophy and Technology Gradute Student Paper Award for the paper titled Technical Artefacts and the Problem of Malfunction 
2015-2016 Erasmus Scholarship, National College of Art and Design, Dublin
 Kutatási területek

History and Philosophy of Science, material culture of science


Részvétel csoportos / egyéni pályázatokban
Projekt neveKezdő évZáró évHyperlinkVezető kutató neve
MTA Lendület Values and Science Research Group 2021 2026 https://fi.abtk.hu/en/fellows/institute-research-groups/history-and-philosophy-of-science/value-polarizations-in-science-research-group  Tuboly Ádám Tamás


Konferenciaszervezés (válogatás)
2023 Organizing the Malfunction, error, failure conference. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (19 participants from 13 countries) 
2022 Organizing the 'Knockdown Arguments' Online Workshop (10 participants from 6 countries) 
2023, 2021, 2019, 2017- Organizing the Budapest Workshop in Philosophy of Technology biennial conference 
2018 Organizing the Conference 'Design and Science', Budapest University of Technology and Economic 


Konferencia-részvételek, meghívott előadások (válogatás)
2024.09.18 Ottawa The anatomical Venus models as epistemic instruments: value influences in the representation of women in science (Scientific Instrument Commission Symposium)
2023.10.24 University of Vienna The maintenance and malfunction of the Hubble Space Telescope. An STS analysis
2023.05.25 Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest Maintaining Artefacts: Technology, Time, and Human Practice
2023.04.21 TU Delft, The Netherlands How can Science and Technology Studies Benefit from the Philosophy of Maintenance? (Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, & Technology)
2023.02.17 Uppsala University, Sweden Are Artefacts Value-laden? The Epistemic Value of Scientific Artefacts (Workshop on the Legacy of the Value-Free Ideal of Science)
2022.09.28 Università di Roma Tre, Rome, Italy Argumentative Artefacts. Toward a theory of multimodal visual argumentation (European Conference on Argumentation)
2020.09.07 Online Malfunction Notions in AI and Design (Should we Delete the Error? The Value of Errors in the Age of Robotics and AI)
Research Interests

History and Philosophy of Science, material culture of science


Participation in Group / Personal Research Grants
TitleSinceUntilHyperlinkProject leader
MTA Lendület Values and Science Research Group  2021  2026 https://fi.abtk.hu/en/fellows/institute-research-groups/history-and-philosophy-of-science/value-polarizations-in-science-research-group  Ádám Tamás Tuboly


Conference organization (selection)
2023 Organizing the Malfunction, error, failure conference. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (19 participants from 13 countries) 
2022 Organizing the 'Knockdown Arguments' Online Workshop (10 participants from 6 countries) 
2023, 2021, 2019, 2017- Organizing the Budapest Workshop in Philosophy of Technology biennial conference 
2018 Organizing the Conference 'Design and Science', Budapest University of Technology and Economic 


Conference participation & Invited talks (selection)
TimeLocationTitle of talk, conference
18 September 2024 Ottawa The anatomical Venus models as epistemic instruments: value influences in the representation of women in science (Scientific Instrument Commission Symposium)
24 October 2023 University of Vienna The maintenance and malfunction of the Hubble Space Telescope. An STS analysis
25 May 2023 Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest Maintaining Artefacts: Technology, Time, and Human Practice
21 April 2023 TU Delft, The Netherlands How can Science and Technology Studies Benefit from the Philosophy of Maintenance? (Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, & Technology)
17 February 2023 Uppsala University, Sweden Are Artefacts Value-laden? The Epistemic Value of Scientific Artefacts (Workshop on the Legacy of the Value-Free Ideal of Science)
28 September 2022 Università di Roma Tre, Rome, Italy Argumentative Artefacts. Toward a theory of multimodal visual argumentation (European Conference on Argumentation)
7 September 2020 Online Malfunction Notions in AI and Design (Should we Delete the Error? The Value of Errors in the Age of Robotics and AI)
Egyetemi oktatás
2023- Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2021-2023 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University / Higher education
Since 2023 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2021-2023 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Válogatott publikációk
The Practice Turn, Bárdos, D., Karakas, A. | In. Routledge Handbook of the History of Philosophy of Science. Forthcoming, 2025. 
Maintaining scientific instruments: artifacts, malfunction, and values. Karakas, A. | In. Engineering and Value Change. Springer. Forthcoming, 2025. 
Evaluating Visual Arguments in Science: A case study of the Mars Phoenix Lander’s images. Csordás, H.V., Karakas, A. | Journal of Argumentation in Context. Forthcoming, 2025. 
Materializing Values. Karakas, A., Tuboly, A.T. | Synthese, Vol 204, 5, 2024 
Visual Argumentation in the Framework of the Dual-Inference System. Csordás, H.V., Karakas, A. | College Publications. Forthcoming, 2024. 
Malfunction, Maintenance, and Materials. Karakas, A. | Materials Experience 2. Expanding Territories of Materials and Design, Elsevier, 175-177, 2021 

A teljes bibliográfia és az egyes tanulmányokra való független hivatkozások az MTMT Adatbázisban tekinthetők meg. 


Selected publications
The Practice Turn, Bárdos, D., Karakas, A. | In. Routledge Handbook of the History of Philosophy of Science. Forthcoming, 2025. 
Maintaining scientific instruments: artifacts, malfunction, and values. Karakas, A. | In. Engineering and Value Change. Springer. Forthcoming, 2025. 
Evaluating Visual Arguments in Science: A case study of the Mars Phoenix Lander’s images. Csordás, H.V., Karakas, A. | Journal of Argumentation in Context. Forthcoming, 2025. 
Materializing Values. Karakas, A., Tuboly, A.T. | Synthese, Vol 204, 5, 2024 
Visual Argumentation in the Framework of the Dual-Inference System. Csordás, H.V., Karakas, A. | College Publications. Forthcoming, 2024. 
Malfunction, Maintenance, and Materials. Karakas, A. | Materials Experience 2. Expanding Territories of Materials and Design, Elsevier, 175-177, 2021 



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