Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára itt érhető el.
A Filozófiai Intézet kutatóinak összes publikációja itt tekinthető meg:
Barcsi Tamás
Bárdos Dániel
Bene László
Bernáth László
Bíró Gábor István
Demeter Tamás
Gángó Gábor
Golden Dániel
Gömöri Márton
Gyenis Balázs
Hangai Attila
Hörcher Ferenc
Karakas Alexandra
Kondor Zsuzsanna
Kovács Dániel Attila
Mester Béla
Németh Attila
Schmal Dániel
Szabados Bettina
Szabó Gábor
Szécsi Gábor
Tari Gergely Róbert
Tőzsér János
Tuboly Ádám Tamás
Varga Péter András
Az MTA és az MTA Titkársága adatkezelési tájékoztatója
Adatkezelési tájékoztató
Aims of the Research Project
Modern Western political thought is obsessed with the state. However, since Aristotle, it is obvious that the primary scale for human politics is the city (town, polis, city-state, etc). While modern and post-modern challenges to the state opened up new, even wider vistas (empire, global governance), the local is still very much in the shadow in theory and in practice as well. The Reasearch Group in Moral and Political Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences started this research project to bring the intellectual history and political theory of the city back to scholarly and public discussion.
Ferenc Hörcher, senior researcher, director
Upcoming Events
Hamlet in Wittenberg: Civic and Princely Education in Early Modern Europe (Budapest, date: TBA)
Earlier events
Polgári öntudat, városfejlesztés és önkormányzati modellek Magyarországon és Európában. A közepes és kisebb városok példája (Balatonfüred, 6-7 April 2018)
Ratio Civilis: The Transformation of Urban Political Cultures in the Age of the Reformation (Budapest, 17-18 November 2017)
Modern Capitals and Historical Peripheries: Central Europe from the Perspectives of Contested Modernities (Budapest, 201-21 October 2017)
Earlier and present cooperating partners
Department of Philosophy and Communication, Faculty of Creative Industries, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Department of Urban Planning and Design, Budapest Technical University
Hungarian Society for Urban Planning
The Journal Tempevölgy
The Local Council of Balatonfüred
A BTK Lendület Morál és Tudomány Kutatócsoport honlapja ide kattintva érhető el.
Submissions are invited for the conference "Modern Capitals and Historical Peripheries - Central Europe from the Perspective of Contested Modernities" to be held on 20-21 October 2017 at the Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The details of the CFP are available here.
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