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RCH Institute of Philosophy

Archived News

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 423 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

A New Publication of the Institute of Philosophy

A new collected volume of the Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is out, with the title: Is a Universal Morality Possible? The new p... read more..


Seminar Series: Máté Paksy

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series Máté Paksy: Leibniz, Scholar of... read more..


Knowledge from Music: Philosophical, Literary, Sociological

The History and Philosophy of Science research group of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to its upcoming workshop: "Knowledge from Music: Philosophical, Literary, Sociological" Venu... read more..


Ferenc Hörcher's book launch in Budapest and Brussels

Ferenc Hörcher, director of the Institute of Philosophy at the RCH, HAS, is participating in the book launch for the recently published volume: John O'Sullivan & Kálmán Pócza (eds.): The Second Te... read more..


Tamás Demeter's talk in Halle

On the 29th June, 2015 (beginning at 18:15), Tamás Demeter is giving a talk on "Ideas, Impressions and Faculties: Hume's Anatomy of the Mind Revisited" at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wi... read more..


Seminar Series: Béla Mester

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series Béla Mester: Authentic traditio... read more..


Seminar Series: Attila M. Demeter

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series Attila M. Demeter: Between Nati... read more..

HPS Seminar Series

Talk by Ruth Lorand

The History and Philosophy of Science research group of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to a talk by Prof. Ruth Lorand (University of Haifa) entitled "Types of Disorder". The talk is... read more..


Seminar Series: Deodáth Zuh

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series Deodáth Zuh: The Epistemology B... read more..


International conference on Italian-Hungarian connections in the shadow of the Great War

All’ombra della Grande Guerra. Incroci fra Italia e Ungheria: storia, letteratura, cultura International conference on World War I. Date and venue:11th June 2015 - 9.30 - 18.00Italian Cultural Insti... read more..


Tamás Demeter's talk in Cambridge

Tamás Demeter is giving a talk on Hungarian contributions to social theory at the University of Cambridge on the 5th June, 2015, entitled 'Ex Oriente Lux: the legacy of Lukács, Mannheim and Hauser'.... read more..


"Horizons Beyond Borders" conference: Program announced

The program of the "Horizons Beyond Borders. Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe" conference, containing more than 60 presentations from scholars... read more..


Studies in East European Thought

Springer has published the special issue of Studies in East European Thought (2015/1-2) on "Marxist Roots of Science Studies", edited by Tamás Demeter. The issue contains articles by Tamás Demeter, Gá... read more..

Working Papers in Philosophy

Working Papers in Philosophy, 2015/2.

Working Papers in Philosophy 2015/2. Turgonyi Zoltán: Pornography and Liberalism (text in Hungarian)... read more..

2 min read

Seminar Series: Igor Cvejić

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series Igor Cvejić: A NEW OUTLOOK ON... read more..


Seminar Series: Ferenc Huoranszki

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series Ferenc Huoranszki: Compatibili... read more..


Talk by Bryan Roberts

Our speaker for next Wednesday (20th of May, 16h, Pepita room, Orszaghaz str. 30) is Bryan Roberts (LSE) who is going to talk about “New directions for passing time”. Please find the abstract below. ... read more..


III. Hungarian-Polish Workshop

Next week (Thursday-Friday, May 21-22) the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest will host the 3rd workshop of the Budapest-Krakow Research Group on Probability, Cau... read more..


Ferenc Hörcher in Lublin and Warsaw

Ferenc Hörcher, the director of the Insititue of Philosophy at the HAS, has given a talk on the 6th of May at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin on the conference on Elites - their past, n... read more..


Seminar Series: J. D. Mininger

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series: J. D. Mininger: Anxiety: Gen... read more..

HPS Seminar Series

Talk by Roland Poellinger

The History and Philosophy of Science research group of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to Roland Poellinger's (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich) talk entitled "... read more..


Talk by David Pitt

The History and Philosophy of Science research group of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to a talk by Prof. David Pitt (California State University, Los Angeles / CEU IAS) entitled "P... read more..


Deodáth Zuh in Dubrovnik

Deodáth Zuh is giving a talk entitled "The Epistemology Behind Art History. Conflicting Methodologies in Gombrich and Panofsky" on the 22nd of April 2015 at the "Dubrovnik Conference on Philosophy of ... read more..


Tamás Demeter's talk in Edinburgh

Tamás Demeter, David Hume Fellow for the academic year 2014/15 at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh is giving a talk entitled "From Perceptions to Faculties... read more..

2 min read

Seminar Series: Mojca Küplen

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series: Mojca Küplen read more..


Conference: László Péter and Hungarian Historical Constitutionalism

The HAS SC ILS (Interdisciplinary legal researches group) and the HAS RCH IPH (Practical philosophy and history of political thought research group) kindly invites you to the conference entitled Lász... read more..


Seminar Series: Rafal Smoczynski

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series: Rafał Smoczynski "The gentr... read more..


Seminar Series: Dóra Kis-Jakab

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series: Dóra Kis-Jakab " read more..


Seminar Series: Paul Guyer

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series: Paul Guyer "The Poet read more..


Talk by Hayato Saigo

The Philosophy of Physics Research Group cordially invites you to the following talk: Hayato Saigo State as interface Venue: 1014 Budapest, 30. Országház st. Date: 19th March 2015. 16:00 Abstract:... read more..



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