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Szabó Gábor
Szabó Gábor
Szabó, Gábor

Tudományos fokozat: PhD, DSc

Beosztás: tudományos tanácsadó

Osztályvezető, kutatócsoport-vezető

Osztály, kutatócsoport: Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Osztály, Fizika Filozófiája Kutatócsoport

Szobaszám: B.7.26.

E-mail cím: 

Személyes honlap: Oktatói honlap

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Academic degree: PhD, DSc

Position: Scientific Advisor

Head of Department, Research Group Leader

Department, research group: History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics Research Group

Room: B.7.26.


Personal web-page: Faculty webpage

mtmt en

2019-től tudományos tanácsadó, MTA BTK Filozófai Intézet
2012-től főmunkatárs, MTA BTK Filozófai Intézet
2012-2016 docens, Óbudai Egyetem Neumann János Kar
2008-2011 Bolyai János kutatóösztöndíjas, ELTE Logika Tanszék
2006-2012 docens, Zsigmond Király Főiskola
2003-2006 Bolyai János kutatóösztöndíjas, BME Tudományfilozófia és Tudománytörténet Tanszék


Tanulmányok, tudományos fokozatok
ÉvIntézmény, képesítés
2020 D.Sc.tudományfilozófia (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia)
2012 habilitáció (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest)
2001 Ph.D. tudományfilozófiából (Budapesti Muszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Budapest)
1993 fizikus 


Díjak és ösztöndíjak
IdőDíj, projekt megnevezése
2021-2022 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Kutatói Díj, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, München, Németország
2011-2012 Fulbright-ösztöndíj, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
1996-1997 KAAD-ösztöndíj, Ludwig-Maximilian Egyetem München, Filozófia Tanszék, Németország.
2015 június Senior Research Fellowship, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, München, Németország.
2017 június Az Olasz Külügyminisztérium utazási támogatása, Róma, Olaszország
Academic positions
2021-2024 deputy head of the Institute for Philosophy at the Research Centre for the Humanities
2020-2021 head of the Institute for Philosophy at the Research Centre for the Humanities
2019-present leader of Sociophysics research group at Institute of Advanced Studies, Koszeg.
2018-present scientific advisor in the Institute for Philosophy at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012-2018 senior research fellow in the Institute for Philosophy at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012-2016 associate professor in János Neumann Faculty at Óbuda University
2008-2011 János Bolyai research fellow at Eötvös University Budapest
2006-2012 associate professor at King Sigismund College
2003-2006 János Bolyai research fellow at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Education, academic degrees
2020 D.Sc. in philosophy of science (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2012 habilitation (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest)
2001 Ph.D. in philosophy of science (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
1993 M.A. in physics (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest)


Scholarships and Awards
YearsName of award, project
2021-2022 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Munich, Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Munich, Germany
2011-2012 Fulbright Research Grant in the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, USA
1996-1997 KAAD Research Grant in the Department of Philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian, University 
 Kutatási területek

A kvantumelmélet filozófiai alapjai, a valószínűség és a kauzalitás története és metafizikája, Bell-egyenlőtlenségek, a reichenbachi közös ok elv, a modern fizika története és filozófiája.


Részvétel csoportos / egyéni pályázatokban
A valószínűség, a kauzalitás és a kontextualitás alapjainak újragondolása: alkalmazások a fizikában és azon túl, NKFIH, K-134275, (vezető kutató), 2020-2025 (17,6 MFt).
Probability, Causality and Determinism, a Magyar és a Lengyel Tudományos Akadémia Bilaterális Mobilitási Pályázata, (magyar vezető kutató), 2014-2016 (2.200 EUR).
A fizika metafizikai alapjai formális megközelítésben, OTKA, K-115593, (vezető kutató), 2015-2019 (16 MFt).
Valószínűség, kauzalitás, tér és idő, OTKA, K-100715, (kutatótárs), 2012-2015 (8.600.000 HUF).
Korrelációk és magyarázataik, OTKA, T-043642, (kutatótárs), 2003-2005 (4.100.000 HUF).
Tudásformák - a tudás kül.nb.zo formái, ezek alapjai, közös és kül.nb.zo vonásai, OTKA, T-037575, (kutatótárs), 2002-2005 (8.400.000 HUF).


Szerkesztőségi tagság
European Journal for the Philosophy of Science (editorial board)


Tudományos társasági tagság
European Philosophy of Science Association


Konferenciaszervezés (válogatás)
Physics meets Philosphy (https://physicsmeetsphilosophy.tumblr.com/)
Meaning, Truth and Physics (https://eszabo70.blog/)
Quantum foundations, Probability, Categories (https://redei70.tumblr.com/)


Konferencia-részvételek, meghívott előadások (válogatás)
”Causality and operational equivalence," Department of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 2024 October.
”Bridgmanian quantum mechanics," Department of Philosophy, Pisa, Italy, 2024 August.
”Operational equivalence and causal structure," Sigma Club, London School of Economics, London, 2024 March.
”Operational equivalence and causal structure," Physics meets Philosophy workshop, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2023 November.
”Kvantumelmélet és interpretáció (Quantum Theory and interpretation)," Kelet Kávézó, Budapest, 2023 November.
”A kvantumelmélet modális interpertációja (The Modal interpretation of Quantum Theory)," Modalitások konferencia, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2023 October.
”Three types of Bell inequality," ”Triennial International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science, Urbino, Italy, 2023 September.
”Three types of Bell inequality," ”MCMP-Wuppertal-Hannover Workshop, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, 2023 July.
”Three types of Bell inequality," Physics meets Philosophy Workshop, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academly of Sciences, Austria, 2023 June.
”History and Philosophy of Science: Present and Prospects" Round table discussion, Institute of Philosophy, Budapest, 2023 June.
”Contextuality in the natural and social sciences,” Fióka seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, 2023 May.
”Partneri viszonyok, elfogadás és befogadás egy német középiskolában” (Partnership, Acceptance and Inclusion in a German Secondary School), Együttmuk.do közoktatás, Civil Közoktatási Fórum, Budapest, 2023 January.
”Mi az ido?” (What is Time?), Videokávészalon, Budapest, 2023 January.
”Ido a fizikában,” (Time in Physics), Time in the Sciences and in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary, 2022 December.
”A kvantumelmélet interpretációi,” (Interpretations of quantum theory), Tudomány Napja, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, 2022 November.
"Ido és relativitás," (Time and relativity) Könyvtári keddek, József Attila Gimnázium, Budapest, 2022 November.
"Is the quantum state real?," Physics meets philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2022 September.
“Contextuality in natural and social sciences," Milestone Interdisciplinary Reading Group, Budapest, 2022 August.
”Between social and classical: contextuality in quantum theory,” Parmenides Center for the Conceptual Foundations of Science, Pöcking, Germany, 2022 July.
”Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence,”Work-in-Progress Seminar, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, 2022 May.
”Two concepts of noncontextuality in quantum mechanics,” History and Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar, Lichtenberg Group, University of Bonn, Germany, 2022 April.
”Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence,” Research Seminar, University of Wuppertal, Germany, 2022 April.
”Contextuality in the natural and social sciences,” Institute seminar, Institute of Philosophy, Budapest, Hungary 2022 March.
”Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence,” Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary 2022 February.
”A dynamical systems approach to causation,” Philosophy of Science Seminar, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, 2021 December.
”Two concepts of noncontextuality in quantum mechanics,” New Foundations for Physics, Center for Advanced Studies LMU, Munich, Germany, 2021 November.
“Kvantum és kvantumszeru“ (Quantum and quantum-like), book review of Thomas Filk: Quantum and quantum-like, introduction to quantum theory and its application in cognitive and social sciences, iASK-MTA conference, 2021 October.
Comment on Daniel Kodaj’s “Finite Conditional Frequentism,“ Institute of Philosophy Seminar, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2020 December.
“EPR’s reality criterion,“ Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest, 2020 September (with Márton Gömöri).
“A valószínuség interpretációi“ (Interpretations of probability), Physics meets philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2020 September.
Research Interests

History and philosophy of probability and causality, foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and quantum logic, Bell theorems and Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle, philosophy and history of modern physics.

Participation in group / personal research grants
Bessel Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (45.000 EUR)
“Rethinking the foundations of probability, causality, and contextuality: applications in physics and beyond,” National Research, Development and Innovation Office, OTKA, K 134275, (philosophy of science, principal investigator), 2020-2024. (52.000 EUR)
Senior Research Grant of the Sidney M. Edelstein Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2020 May-June. (10.000 USD, cancelled due to pandemic).
“Contextuality – a limit on unifying discourses,” Senior Research Grant of the Institute of Advanced Studies Koszeg, 2019 September-December.
“Contextuality in physics and beyond,” Senior Research Grant of the Institute of Advanced Studies Koszeg, 2018 September-December.
“A Formal Approach to the Metaphysical Foundations of Physics,” Research Grant of the Hungarian National Science Foundation, OTKA, K 115593, (philosophy of science, principal investigator), 2015- 2019. (52.000 EUR).
“Probability, Causality and Determinism,” Bilaterial Mobility Grant of the Hungarian and Polish Academies of Sciences, (philosophy of science, co-principal investigator), 2014-2016. (2.200 EUR).
Senior Research Fellowship of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Munich, 2015 June. (1.500 EUR).
“Probability, Causality, Space, and Time,” Scientific Research Grant of the Hungarian National Science Foundation, OTKA, K 100715, (philosophy of science, member), 2012-2015 (27.000 EUR).
Fulbright Research Grant, 2011-2012 (18.000 USD).
Research Grant of the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, 2011-2012 (21.000 USD).
“Correlations and their explanation,” Scientific Research Grant of the Hungarian National Science Foundation, OTKA, T 043642, (philosophy of science, member), 2003-2005 (28.000 EUR).
“Forms of knowledge,” Scientific Research Grant of the Hungarian National Science Foundation, OTKA, T 037575, (philosophy of science, member), 2002-2005 (16.000 EUR).


Editorial membership
European Journal for the Philosophy of Science (editorial board)


Scientific society membership
European Philosophy of Science Association


Conference organization (selection)
Physics meets Philosphy (https://physicsmeetsphilosophy.tumblr.com/)
Meaning, Truth and Physics (https://eszabo70.blog/)
Quantum foundations, Probability, Categories (https://redei70.tumblr.com/)


Conference participation & Invited talks 
”Causality and operational equivalence," Department of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 2024 October.
”Bridgmanian quantum mechanics," Department of Philosophy, Pisa, Italy, 2024 August.
”Operational equivalence and causal structure," Sigma Club, London School of Economics, London, 2024 March.
”Operational equivalence and causal structure," Physics meets Philosophy workshop, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2023 November.
”Kvantumelmélet és interpretáció (Quantum Theory and interpretation)," Kelet Kávézó, Budapest, 2023 November.
”A kvantumelmélet modális interpertációja (The Modal interpretation of Quantum Theory)," Modalitások konferencia, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2023 October.
”Three types of Bell inequality," ”Triennial International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science, Urbino, Italy, 2023 September.
”Three types of Bell inequality," ”MCMP-Wuppertal-Hannover Workshop, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, 2023 July.
”Three types of Bell inequality," Physics meets Philosophy Workshop, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academly of Sciences, Austria, 2023 June.
”History and Philosophy of Science: Present and Prospects" Round table discussion, Institute of Philosophy, Budapest, 2023 June.
”Contextuality in the natural and social sciences,” Fióka seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, 2023 May.
”Partneri viszonyok, elfogadás és befogadás egy német középiskolában” (Partnership, Acceptance and Inclusion in a German Secondary School), Együttmuk.do közoktatás, Civil Közoktatási Fórum, Budapest, 2023 January.
”Mi az ido?” (What is Time?), Videokávészalon, Budapest, 2023 January.
”Ido a fizikában,” (Time in Physics), Time in the Sciences and in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary, 2022 December.
”A kvantumelmélet interpretációi,” (Interpretations of quantum theory), Tudomány Napja, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, 2022 November.
"Ido és relativitás," (Time and relativity) Könyvtári keddek, József Attila Gimnázium, Budapest, 2022 November.
"Is the quantum state real?," Physics meets philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2022 September.
“Contextuality in natural and social sciences," Milestone Interdisciplinary Reading Group, Budapest, 2022 August.
”Between social and classical: contextuality in quantum theory,” Parmenides Center for the Conceptual Foundations of Science, Pöcking, Germany, 2022 July.
”Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence,”Work-in-Progress Seminar, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, 2022 May.
”Two concepts of noncontextuality in quantum mechanics,” History and Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar, Lichtenberg Group, University of Bonn, Germany, 2022 April.
”Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence,” Research Seminar, University of Wuppertal, Germany, 2022 April.
”Contextuality in the natural and social sciences,” Institute seminar, Institute of Philosophy, Budapest, Hungary 2022 March.
”Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence,” Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary 2022 February.
”A dynamical systems approach to causation,” Philosophy of Science Seminar, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, 2021 December.
”Two concepts of noncontextuality in quantum mechanics,” New Foundations for Physics, Center for Advanced Studies LMU, Munich, Germany, 2021 November.
“Kvantum és kvantumszeru“ (Quantum and quantum-like), book review of Thomas Filk: Quantum and quantum-like, introduction to quantum theory and its application in cognitive and social sciences, iASK-MTA conference, 2021 October.
Comment on Daniel Kodaj’s “Finite Conditional Frequentism,“ Institute of Philosophy Seminar, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2020 December.
“EPR’s reality criterion,“ Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest, 2020 September (with Márton Gömöri).
“A valószínuség interpretációi“ (Interpretations of probability), Physics meets philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2020 September.
Egyetemi oktatás
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest (2012-2024):
Flow of time
Relativity for Everyone
Models and Theories
Quantum Contextuality
Interpretations of Quantum theory
Philosophy of Time Entropy, Demon and the Direction of Time: Introduction to the Thermal Philosophy
Quantum Theory and Local Causality
Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Theory
Reading seminar in the Philosophy of Spacetime
Physics and Chance, Philosophical Foundations of Statistical Physics
Reading seminar in the Philosophy of Statistical Physics
Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
Metaphysics of Probability


Zsigmond Király Főiskola (2005-2012):
A filozófia diszciplínái
Bevezetés a logikába
Reading Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy


Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (2000-2005):
University / higher education
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (2012-2024):
Flow of time
Relativity for Everyone
Models and Theories
Quantum Contextuality
Interpretations of Quantum theory
Philosophy of Time Entropy, Demon and the Direction of Time: Introduction to the Thermal Philosophy
Quantum Theory and Local Causality
Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Theory
Reading seminar in the Philosophy of Spacetime
Physics and Chance, Philosophical Foundations of Statistical Physics
Reading seminar in the Philosophy of Statistical Physics
Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
Metaphysics of Probability


Zsigmond Király Főiskola (2005-2012):
A filozófia diszciplínái
Bevezetés a logikába
Reading Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy


Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2000-2005):


Hofer-Szabó, G., P. Vecsernyés, Quantum Theory and Local Causality, Springer Brief (2018).
Hofer-Szabó, G., L. Wronski (eds.) Making it Formally Explicit – Probability, Causality and Indeterminism, European Studies in the Philosophy of Science Series, Springer Verlag (2017).
Hofer-Szabó, G., M. Rédei, L. E. Szabó, The Principle of the Common Cause, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2013).
Szabó, G., A valószínuség interpretációi, Typotex, Budapest, (2013).


Nemzetközi publikációk
(2024c). Hofer-Szabó G., "Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence," European Journal for Philosophy of Science, (submitted).
(2024b). Hofer-Szabó G., "PBR, nonreality and entangled measurement," Foundations of Physics, 54, 36.
(2024a). Hofer-Szabó G., "Sequential measurements and the Kochen-Specker arguments," Journal for General Philosophy, 55, 29-42.
(2022). Hofer-Szabó G., "Two concepts of noncontextuality in quantum mechanics," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 93, 21-29.
(2021e). M. Gömöri, G. Hofer-Szabó, "On the meaning of EPR’s reality criterion," Synthese, 199, 13441–13469.
(2021d). Hofer-Szabó G. "Causal contextuality and contextuality-by-default are different concepts," Journal of Mathematical Phychology, 104, 102590.
(2021c). Hofer-Szabó G., "Three noncontextual hidden variable models for the Peres-Mermin square," European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 11, 30.
(2021b). P. Fazekas, B. Gyenis, G. Hofer-Szabó, G. Kertész, "A dynamical systems approach to causation," Synthese, 198, 6065-6087.
(2021a). Hofer-Szabó G., "Commutativity, comeasurability, and contextuality in the Kochen-Specker arguments," Philosophy of Science, 88, 483-510.
(2020b). Hofer-Szabó G., Placek T., Luc J., "Modality in Physics," Foundations of Physics, 50, 515-521.
(2020a). Hofer-Szabó G., "On the three types of Bell’s inequality," in Orly Shenker, Meir Hemmo (eds.) Quantum, Probability, Logic: The Work and Infuence of Itamar Pitowsky, Berlin: Springer, 353-374.

A teljes bibliográfia és az egyes tanulmányokra való független hivatkozások az MTMT Adatbázisban tekinthetők meg. 


Hofer-Szabó, G., P. Vecsernyés, Quantum Theory and Local Causality, Springer Brief (2018).
Hofer-Szabó, G., L. Wronski (eds.) Making it Formally Explicit – Probability, Causality and Indeterminism, European Studies in the Philosophy of Science Series, Springer Verlag (2017).
Hofer-Szabó, G., M. Rédei, L. E. Szabó, The Principle of the Common Cause, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2013).
Szabó, G., A valószínuség interpretációi, Typotex, Budapest, (2013).


(2024c). Hofer-Szabó G., "Quantum mechanics without operational equivalence," European Journal for Philosophy of Science, (submitted).
(2024b). Hofer-Szabó G., "PBR, nonreality and entangled measurement," Foundations of Physics, 54, 36.
(2024a). Hofer-Szabó G., "Sequential measurements and the Kochen-Specker arguments," Journal for General Philosophy, 55, 29-42.
(2022). Hofer-Szabó G., "Two concepts of noncontextuality in quantum mechanics," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 93, 21-29.
(2021e). M. Gömöri, G. Hofer-Szabó, "On the meaning of EPR’s reality criterion," Synthese, 199, 13441–13469.
(2021d). Hofer-Szabó G. "Causal contextuality and contextuality-by-default are different concepts," Journal of Mathematical Phychology, 104, 102590.
(2021c). Hofer-Szabó G., "Three noncontextual hidden variable models for the Peres-Mermin square," European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 11, 30.
(2021b). P. Fazekas, B. Gyenis, G. Hofer-Szabó, G. Kertész, "A dynamical systems approach to causation," Synthese, 198, 6065-6087.
(2021a). Hofer-Szabó G., "Commutativity, comeasurability, and contextuality in the Kochen-Specker arguments," Philosophy of Science, 88, 483-510.
(2020b). Hofer-Szabó G., Placek T., Luc J., "Modality in Physics," Foundations of Physics, 50, 515-521.
(2020a). Hofer-Szabó G., "On the three types of Bell’s inequality," in Orly Shenker, Meir Hemmo (eds.) Quantum, Probability, Logic: The Work and Infuence of Itamar Pitowsky, Berlin: Springer, 353-374.



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