Ferenc Hörcher, the director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences participates, organises a session and gives a paper at the 14th International Conference on Urban History, to be held between 29 August and 1 September, 2018. The conference bears the title: Urban renewal and resilience. Cities in comparative perspective, and his own paper is entitled The Resolution of Urban Conflicts in 16th Century Central Europe: The Case of Cluj/Kolozsvár. The program of the conference is to be found under the following link.
Ádám Tamás Tuboly is giving a talk entitled "Knowledge Missemination: Frank, Stebbing and Joad on the Philosophy of Physicists" at the conference on Matter and Life: Historico-logical Issues in Post-1800 Physics and Biology, hosted by the Sarton Centre for History of Science at Ghent University on the 27th of August 2018.
The Lendület Morals and Science Research Group, RCH HAS, cordially invites you to
2nd Bucharest-Budapest workshop in Philosophy
Date: 28-29 July 2018
Venue: 4 Tóth Kálmán st., 1097 Budapest, 7th floor, room B.7.16
The Lendület Morals and Science Research Group, RCH HAS, cordially invites you to
The 45th Annual Hume Society Conference
Date: 23-27 July 2018
Venue: 4 Tóth Kálmán st., 1097 Budapest
Ádám Tamás Tuboly is giving a talk on "The 1940-45 Neurath-Carnap correspondence and its philosohical significance" (joint talk with Jordi Cat, Indiana University) at HOPOS 2018 held on 9-12 July in Groningen. The program of the congress is available here.
Gábor Hofer-Szabó and Márton Gömöri are giving talks at The 19th UK and European Conference on Foundations of Physics held on 10-13 July at the University of Utrecht. Gábor Szabó's talk is on "What is quantum contextuality, and what is not?"; Márton Gönöri's talk is on "Why do initial conditions in an actual sequence of experiments approximately follow the uniform distribution over phase space with respect to the Lebesgue measure?"
László Bernáth, young research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, won the János Bolyai Research Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences between 2018-2021. His research, „The Source of Moral Responsibility”, attempts to elaborate a decision-centered theory of moral responsibility according to which one can be morally responsible only for her decisions and their consequences. The novelty of the research plan is that it aims to elaborate a decision-centered theory on the basis of ethical principles instead of relying mainly on metaphysical intuitions or thought-experiments despite the fact that philosophers who grounded their theories mainly on ethical intuitions and principles tended to reject decision-centered theories. Based on the results, the research addresses also the issues about the compatibility of determinism and moral responsibility, and the challenges of contemporary neurosciences.
Keynote lectures of conference "The Registers of Philosophy IV", held on 26 May 2018 at the Institute of Philosophy RCH HAS, are available here.
Alexander Nehamas (Princeton University): Philosophical Individualism and the Question of Style
Commentary by Mihály Vajda (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Michael Erler (University of Würzburg): Elenctic Aporia and Performative Euporia: Literary Form as Philosophical Message in the Platonic Dialogue
Commentary by Péter Lautner (PPKE)
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