On the 20th of November Balázs Gyenis will present "Towards new notion(s) of physical possibility" at the Popper seminar of the Department of Philosophy, Logic & Scientific Method at LSE.
The MTA BTK Lendület Morals and Science Research Group cordially invites you to its upcoming conference:
The Value of Truth
Date: 22-23 November 2018
Venue: 1097 Budapest, 4 Tóth Kálmán st.
22 November
Chair: Akos Gyarmathy (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
9.00-10.00: Jeffrey Dunn (De Pauw University): Accuracy as Similarity
10.00-11.00: Clayton Littlejohn (King's): An Accuracy Argument Against Credal Reductivism
11.00-11.20: Break
Chair: Peter Hartl (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
11.20-12.20: Michael P. Lynch [via Skype] (University of Connecticut): Fake news and the Politics of truth
12.20-13.20: Akos Gyarmathy (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): Three kinds of veritism and epistemically useful false beliefs
13.20-15.00: Lunch
Chair: Akos Gyarmathy (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
15.00-16.00: Kate Nolfi (University of Vermont): Epistemic Norms all Things considered
16.00-16.30: Laszlo Kocsis (University of Pecs): The value of truth-making: truth-groundedness and the truth as an epistemic goal
16.30-16.50: Break
Chair: Peter Hartl (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
16.50-17.50 Miriam McCormick (University of Richmond): Value Beyond Truth Value
17.50-18.50: Tihamer Margitay (Eotvos Lorand University): The Epistemic Value of Moral and Other Values
23 November
Chair: Peter Hartl (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
9.00-10.00: Anna Maria-Eder (University of Cologne): No Commitment to the Truth
10.00-11.00: Filippo Ferrari (University of Bonn): Alethic Pluralism and the Value of Truth
11.00-11.20: Break
Chair: Laszlo Kocsis (University of Pecs)
11.20-12.20: Andrew D. Chignell (Princeton): The Value of truth versus The Value of Believing True
12.20-13.20. Brian Pollex (University of Texas at Austin): Understanding The Swamping Problem: Two Competing Theories of the Value of True Belief
13.20-15.00: Lunch
Chair: Laszlo Kocsis (University of Pecs)
15.00-16.00: Peter Hartl (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Truth and Morality in Rational Argumentation
16.00-16.20: Break
Chair: Akos Gyarmathy (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
16.20.-17.20: Mihaly Heder (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): When truth is not the final epistemic value: the case of the epistemology of engineering
17.20-18.20: Duncan Pritchard [via Skype] (University of Irvine, California): Intellectual Virtues, Ignorance and the Truth Goal
Conference ending
Balázs Gyenis leads an invited conference seminar titled "What powers inductive inference" during the "The material theory of induction" conference as well as delivers a talk in the PSA 2018 meeting titled "Determinism, Physical Possibility, and Laws of Nature".
Both Ferenc Hörcher and Béla Mester published a study in the volume Anthropologische Ästhetik in Mitteleuropa 1750–1850 - Anthropological Aesthetics in Central Europe 1750–1850, edited by Piroska Balogh and Gergely Fórizs, and published by Wehrhahn Verlag, in its series Quellen und Forschungen zum 18. Jahrhundert. Ferenc Hörcher’s co-authored chapter is entitled "The Scottish Discourse on Taste in Early 19th-Century Hungary: Two Translations of Hugh Blair's Introduction to Rhetoric," co-authored by Kálmán Tóth. Béla Mester’s chapter is entitled "The Role of Aesthetics in the Works of a Professor at a Calvinist College. A Case Study on József Rozgonyi (1756–1823)."
The Philosophy of Physics Research Group at the Institute of Philosophy, RCH HAS, together with the Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is organizing a pair of workshops on "Physicalism and reduction". At the first workshop, happening on 5-6 November in Jerusalem, Gábor Szabó is giving a talk on "Do Kochen-Specker arguments prove quantum contextuality?". The second workshop will take place in Budapest in Spring 2019. For the website of the twin workshop click here.
Márton Gömöri is giving a talk at the colloquium of the Düsseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Düsseldorf on 23 October. The title of his talk is "Outline of a Causal Theory of Chance."
Gábor Kovács and Béla Mester are presenting at the conference Ethical Implications of One God organized by the University of Ljubljana. The conference takes place in Celje, Slovenia, on 18-20 October 2018. See the conference program here, and the abstracts of the presented papers here.
Bettina Szabados, Gábor Kovács and Béla Mester were presenting at the conference Social innovativeness in Europe and Asia taking place at the Polish Academy of Sciences on 11-12 October 2018. See the conference program here; read the abstracts of papers pesented by our colleagues here.
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