Ferenc Hörcher's article entitled Philosophers and the City in Early Modern Europe is published by Routledge, in an outstanding new handbook, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the City. The handbook's description is available here at the homepage of the publisher.
Special issue of journal Organon F edited by Ádám Tamás Tuboly and Matteo Pascucci (Universitä Wien) appears with title "Reflecting on the Legacy of C.I. Lewis: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Modal Logic." Invited authors are: Max Cresswell, Llyod Humberstone, Edwin Mares, Francesco Paoli és Claudio E. A. Pizzi.
Ferenc Hörcher presents a talk in Belfast, at the Constitutional Law Summer School of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland, on 9 August 2019. His presentation is entitled Continuity, Tradition and Constitutional Values – the Case of Hungary.
Our research fellow Balazs Gyenis, who in the 2018/19 academic year was on leave to London School of Economics' Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method, won the "Excellence in Education" award for his work at LSE.
The National University of Public Service and the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences invite proposals for their upcoming workshop on 4 November 2019,
The symposium is being organized as a part of our series called The Intellectual History of the City, and this time, our focus point is going to be the research methodology of the intellectual history of early modern urban life.
By now, empirical historians have provided massive amounts data concerning everyday urban life in early modernity (supporting claims about urbanisation, highlighting birth and death rates as well as the average level of education etc.), while intellectual historians have made considerable analyses of "urban mentalities" (of the underlying attitudes behind confessional conflicts and coexistence, of political decision making etc.). Microhistorians have revealed much of the forgotten past of urban life, while methods of statistical analysis could highlight aspects which were mostly hidden from contemporary scientists as well. Also, even more recent approaches (like that of knowledge flow or big data analysis) equally promise benefits for their practitioners.
However, apparently there is no platform to confront these results with each other, a kind of neutral ground for historical urban studies. The current workshop, hence, aims at bringing together scholars from diverse fields (e.g. empirical and intellectual historians, sociologists, historians of philosophy etc.) in order to share their experience concerning the methodological backgrounds of their particular approaches. Speakers are invited to present particular case studies of their interest with a special emphasis on the methodology employed by them.
A further priority is to take examples of early modern urban developments in Central and Eastern Europe. This is only an encouragement, not an explicit criteria, but apparently research on this field is still handicapped.
The keynote speaker of the conference is going to be Professor Jaroslav Miller, from Palacky University Olomouc. He is the author of the monograph: Urban Societies in East-Central Europe, 1500-1700 (2008).
The venue of the conference is going to be at The National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary (Main building, 1st floor, room 145).
Proposals should be sent to until 31 August, 2019.
Ferenc Hörcher
Ádám Smrcz
The MTA BTK Lendület "Morals and Science" Research Group cordially invites you to its upcoming conference on
Date of the event: 8th-9th July, 2019.
Venue of the event: 1097 Budapest, 4. Toth Kalman st., 7th floor
Monday, 8th of July
09.00-10.00: Steve Fuller: Post-Truth Epistemology: Life after Rawls and Habermas Bubble
10.00-11.00: Klemens Kappel: Science as public reason
11.00-11.20: Break
11.20-12.20: Stephanie Ruphy: Can the virtues of participative democracy be imported in scientific research? Political and epistemological prospects (and challenges) of citizen science
12.20-14.00: Lunch break
14.00-15.00: Jeroen Van Bouwel: Are transparency and representativeness of values hampering scientific pluralism?
15.00-16.00: Mark Brown: Democracy, Populism, and the Politicization of Science
16.00-16.20: Break
16.20-17.20: Heather Douglas (online): Freedom of Research and Scientific Responsibility in Democratic Societies
17.20-18.20: Hans Radder: Which science, which freedom, and which democracy?
Tuesday, 9th of July
09.00-10.00: Hugh Lacey: Participatory democracy and methodological pluralism
10.00-11.00: Phil Mullins: Michael Polanyi's Post-Critical Vision of Science and Society
11.00-11.20: Break
11.20-12.20: Peter Hartl: The ethos of science and central planning: Merton and Michael Polanyi on the autonomy of science
12.20-14.00: Lunch break
14.00-14.45: Tihamer Margitay: What can liberalism learn from science?
14.45-15.30: Dustin Olson: Public Opinion, Democratic Legitimacy, and Epistemic Compromise
15.30-16.15: Jisoo Seo: A Consequentialist Way of Looking at Values in Science
16.15-16.35: Break
16.35-17.35: Matthew Brown: Expert Authority and Autonomy
The Institute of Philosophy, RCH HAS, cordially invites you to its conference
MacIntyre 90 - Practice, Tradition, Natural Law
organized jointly with the National University of Public Service.
Date: 27-28 June 2019
Venue: National University of Public Service, Budapest, Ludovika square 2., main building, 1st floor, room Hunyadi
Organizers: Ferenc Hörcher (National University of Public Service, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Tamás Paár (Pázmány Péter Catholic University), Zoltán Turgonyi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
See program here.
Gábor Szabó is giving two talks in June 2019: one, delivered at the Deparment of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, is titled "Two concepts of noncontextuality," the other one, at the Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, is titled “Noncontextuality in physics and beyond.”
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