The Forum of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy cordially invites you to its next seminar on Between the World and the Void: A Stoic Category of Unfilled Space by Prof. David Konstan (New York University) on March 25, 2021 at 12.00 pm New York / 4.00 pm Cambridge / 5.00 pm Budapest / 6.00 pm Athens time.
The paper is available for download after Registration:
Abstract available here.
One of our researchers, Peter Andras Varga is attending the conference of the Husserl Archives at the University of Cologne in Germany. His lecture, entitled Das Problem der Biographie von Edmund Husserl, is dedicated to his conception of writing the philosophical biography of Edmund Husserl. The poster of the online conference is available here.
The Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, cordially invites you to the Murmansk–Budapest international scientific seminar entitled The migration of ideas and the formation of national philosophical traditions: dialogues across the borders, funded by RFBR and FRLC, (project number № 20-511-23002). The programme of the seminar is available here; (the initial date in the programme is calculated by Moscow time).
The Institute of Philosophy, RCH, cordially invites you to the upcoming talk
Carl Hoefer (University of Barcelona)
Scientific realism and direct reference to unobservable natural kinds
The talk will be online and is based on a paper that is a joint work with Genoveva Martí.
In this talk I continue my defense of a version of scientific realism, Tautological Scientific Realism (TSR), that rests on the claim that, excluding some areas of fundamental physics about which doubts are entirely justified, many areas of contemporary science cannot be coherently imagined to be false other than via postulation of radically skeptical scenarios, which are not relevant to the realism debate in philosophy of science. I will discuss, specifically, the threats of meaning change and reference failure associated with the Kuhnian tradition, which depend on a descriptivist approach to meaning, and will argue that descriptivism is not the right account of the meaning and reference of theoretical terms.
Our Institute proudly presents the Forum of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, a new scholarly platform generated by an international cooperation between our Institute and the University of Crete. The Forum of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy is a venue dedicated to the study of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (defined chronologically roughly from 300 BCE to 200 AD). The aim of this forum is to bring together experienced and younger scholars working on Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy from all around the world in order to present new research in this area, exchange views and test new approaches in reading philosophical texts from this period. The Forum is jointly managed by Attila Németh (Institute of Philosophy, RCH, Budapest) and Georgia Tsouni (Department of Classics, University of Crete).
The volume, edited by Béla Mester and Rafał Smoczyński, entitled Lords and Boors – Westernisers and ‘Narodniks’: Chapters from Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History offers an overview of the results of the ten years of a Polish–Hungarian scholar cooperation.
Foreword and the Table of Contents of the book are available here and here; the whole volume will be available soon at the Gondolat Publishers.
The György Pólya Heuristic Subcommittee of the Standing Committee of the History of Science and Technology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy, and the California State University, Fresno jointly organized a Special Session of the Fall Meeting of the American Mathematical Society titled
How to Solve It? Heuristics and Inquiry Based Learning
The Special Session follows up the 2nd International Conference on Heuristics: Motivating, Orienting and Modeling Invention.
The Sectional Meeting is held virtually.
Program and information available here.
Ferenc Hörcher gives a talk at the online conference entitled Educating the Soul through Art, organised by the University of Public Service and Buckingham University.
The title of his talk is going to be: Aristotelian or Platonist? Scruton's Philosophy and the Great Tradition.
A detailed program of the conference is downloadable here.
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