The Institute of Philosophy, RCH, cordially invites you to the upcoming talk
Gyula Klima (Fordham University)
Whatever Happened to Efficient Causes?
The talk will be online.
English language summary and a Spanish and a German language review
A short English language summary in the Summer-Autumn 2020 issue of the European Conservative (here), a German language review in Agenda on page 7 (here), and a Spanish language review in La Razón Historica (here) published of Ferenc Hörcher’s A Political Philosophy of Conservatism. Prudence, Moderation and Tradition (Bloomsbury, 2020).
The Department of History of Philosophy and History of Ideas
Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities
cordially invites you to the opening lecture of the Autumn Semester of the Research Seminar series:
Rafał Smoczyński (IFiS PAN, Warsaw)
A self-orientalizing positioning towards the European ‘core’
Working notes on making good and bad citizens in Poland
The abstract of the lecture is available here, presentation is available here.
New date: Tuesday, 15 September, 2020, 11h AM
You can join by clicking on the link below:
Registers of Philosophy 2020/3. István M. Fehér: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Ontology
The Research Center for the Humanities has published in Italian the proceedings of the conference organized in 2019 in Budapest by the Institute of Philosophy and the CISUECO (Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull’Europa Centro-Orientale, Inter-University Center for Hungarian and East-Central European Studies). This event was the third part of a series of Italo-Hungarian conferences about XXth century history and culture.
The title of the book (edited by Francesco Guida and Zoltán Turgonyi) is Italia e Ungheria tra pace e guerra fredda (1945-1955) [Italy and Hungary between Peace and Cold War (1945-1955)], table of contents can be viewed here. It contains the papers of nine Italian, a Croatian and seven Hungarian authors. Among the latter there are three fellows of the Research Center for the Humanities: Ferenc Hörcher, senior research fellow (and ex-director) of the Institute of Philosophy, Antal Molnár, director of the Institute of History and Zoltán Turgonyi, senior research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy. The reader can find in the book studies on history, politics, economy, humanities, arts, literature of the period in question.
The Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, cordially invites you to the upcoming opening workshop of the bilateral research project of the Polish and Hungarian Academies of Sciences, entitled Westernisers and “Narodniks”. Dichotomous Identity-Generating Narratives in the 19th-20th century Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History (2020–2022). The programme of the workshop and the abstracts of the presentations are available here.
Date: Thursday, 30 July, 2020, 11h AM – 17h PM
Venue: 4. Tóth Kálmán street, Room: B.5.33
Due to the pandemic rules, registration is required by the following e-mail address:
Registers of Philosophy 2020/2. Günter Figal: Description and Conceptuality
Registers of Philosophy 2020/1. Csaba Olay: Comments on Sharon Rider's Paper
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