Ferenc Hörcher's new book is entitled A Political Philosophy of Conservatism. Prudence, Moderation and Tradition (Bloomsbury, 2020). The international book launch will feature two prominent foreign scholars:
Robert Grant (Prof. emeritus, Glasgow University)
Ryszard Legutko (Professzor, Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
The roundtable talk will be hosted by John O’Sullivan, president of Danube Institute. The author will also participate at the roundtable.
Date: 19 February, 2020, 5 pm
Venue: NUPS, Ludovika Main Building, Zrínyi Hall (2 Ludovika tér, 1083, Budapest)
Everyone is welcome, please register here.
Balázs Gyenis' study "Determinism, Physical Possibility, and Laws of Nature" has been published in Foundations of Physics. The paper calls attention to different formulations of how physical laws relate to what is physically possible in the philosophical literature, and argue that it may be the case that determinism fails under one formulation but reigns under the other. The text is available here.
The Institute of Philosophy, RCH, cordially invites you to the upcoming talk
Tim Crane (CEU)
What is religious belief?
Many philosophers and other commentators think of religious belief as a combination of proto-cosmological belief and moral belief or moral precepts: a theory of the universe plus a theory of how to behave. This conception of religious belief does not seem to have room for what is one of the most obvious and central features of religion: religious practice. Why should a combination of cosmology and morality give rise to practices like going to church, mosque or synagogue? In this talk I sketch an alternative conception of religious belief that gives an answer to this question.
Commentator: Bettina Szabados (Institute of Philosophy, RCH)
Venue: 4 Tóth Kálmán str., 1097 Budapest, B.7.16. (room 'Trapéz')
Date: 21 January 2020 (Tuesday), 2pm
Ferenc Hörcher authored an English language monograph, entitled A Political Philosophy of Conservatism. Prudence, Moderation and Tradition. It has been published by Bloomsbury Publishing, in the United Kingdom. The volume offers a sketch of a comprehensive political philosophy, which aims to replace justice with prudence in the heart of political thought.
The Table of Content and short description of the book is available here.
It is recommended by Professor James Hankins from the Department of History of Harvard University.
The Research Group for Philosophy of Physics, BTK Institute of Philosophy, cordially invites you to its upcoming workshop:
Jerusalem-Budapest twin workshop 2: PHYSICALISM AND REDUCTION
Venue: 1097 Budapest, 4 Tóth Kálmán str., B.7.16. (room "Trapéz")
Date: 19-20 December 2019 (Thu-Fri)
For details see workshop webpage.
Ferenc Hörcher is giving a talk at The Institute of Adanced Studies Kőszeg, on 12 November 2019. His talk is entitled "Nationalism and Conservatism in Contemporary Europe, with Special Attention to Britain and the V4 Countries”.
The BTK Lendület Morals and Science Recearch Group cordially invites you to the panel discussion on
The Future of the Humanities in a Disruptive World
Debating Challenges and Opportunities
Karla Pollmann
Dean of the Faculty of Arts,
University of Bristol
Confirmed discussants:
Tim Crane
Tamás Demeter
István Kenesei
Gábor Kiss Farkas
Benedek Láng
Csaba Pléh
Iván Szelényi
Gábor Zemplén
The focal points of the discussion will be:
-The function of the Arts and Humanities in a Changing World: how to Innovate the Curriculum?
-What is "Progress" in the Arts and Humanities?
-Application and Commercialization in Higher Education - Opportunities and Limits
-How to Organize Successful Inter- and Multidisciplinarity in Challenge-led Research Clusters?
Date of the event: 4th of November, 2019, 10 AM
Venue of the event: Research Centre for the Humanities, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán st. 4., 7th Floor, Trapéz Room
The Institute of Philosophy, RCH, cordially invites you to its joint workshop with the National University of Public Service on
Urban Cultures in The Early Modern Habsburg Territories
Venue: National University of Public Service, Budapest, Ludovika square 2., main building, 1st floor, room Hunyadi
Date: 4 November 2019
Registration here.
10-11.15 Keynote lecture
Jaroslav Miller: A Dream World of Ideas and Crudeness of Reality: Early Modern City as an Utopia
Session I.: Town Descriptions
11.30-12.15 Ferenc Hörcher: Town descriptions and urban politics in Márton Szepsi Csombor's European Travel Journal
12.15-13.00 Katalin Simon: Urban Environment in Buda in the 18th Century
13-14.00 Lunch break
Session II.: Governing Urban Communities
14.00-14.45 István Németh: Cities, Self-government, State in the Early Modern Age. The Political Framework of Urban Life
14.45-15.30 Peter Benka: Early modern towns as language communities : The case of Upper Hungarian free royal boroughs
15.30-16.15 Adam Smrcz: Jansenism and Urban Politics in 18th-Century Hungary
16.15-16.45 Coffee break
Session III.: An Outlook on non-Habsburg territories
16.45-17.30 Krisztina Péter: Image, Print and Manuscript in Early Modern Cologne
17.30-18.15 Eszter Kovács: Montaigne as the Mayor of Bordeaux: Mapping a Political Network
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