The Institute of Philosophy, HAS, the Institute for Political Science, HAS, and the Corvinus University of Budapest kindly invites you to the following international conference:
Politcal Realism and Practical Morality (website available here)
Venue 1 (Friday, 18th of November; 30 Országház st., Budapest)
09:00-09:30 - Registration
09:30-11:00 - Keynote Lecture: John Dunn (University of Cambridge): Domestic Politics and International Relations across the Millennia
11:00-11:15 - Coffee break
11:15-13:30 - Section 1: Morality and RealismMatt Sleat (Sheffield University): Ethics, Morality and the Case for Realist Political Theory
Tibor Mándi (Institute for Political Science, HAS): The Morality of Political Realism
Andrija Šoć (Belgrade University): Deliberative Democracy between Moralism and Realism
13:30-14:30 - Lunch break
14:30-15:45 - Section 2: Just War and RealismAdam Cebula (Warsaw University): Just War Theory and the Duplex Nature of Extra-Moral Absolutism
Adam Smrcz (Institute of Philosophy, HAS / ELTE University): What Renders a Conflict Inevitable? The Question of Bellum Necessarium among Early Modern Natural Law Theorists
Sabeen Ahmed (Vanderbilt University): The Epistemic Violence of Jeff McMahan's Revisionist Just War Theory
15:45-16:00 - Coffee break
16:00-17:15 - Section 3: History and RealismStephen Hailey (Cambridge University): Aristotle and Political 'Realism'
Dávid Molnár (University of Pécs): State/Sovereignty/Statesovereignty. Political Thought in Edward Forsett's 'A Comparative Discourse of the Bodies Natural and Politique'
Ferenc Hörcher (Institute of Philosophy, HAS): How to Govern a City - Political Realism in a Conservative, Republican Key
Registers of Philosophy 2016/4. Jon Stewart: Dostoevsky and the Novel as Philosophy.
The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series
Ferenc Hörcher (MTA BTK FI):
Of Civil Prudence (given in Hungarian)
This talk is going to reconstruct the concept of civil prudence (prudentia civilis) in the discourse of early modern political Aristotelianism, as exemplified among others by Johannes Althusius. It wants to show that there existed a tradition to talk in a philosophically elaborate way about the practicalities of politics before the idea of the State as we know it now was created. This tradition is based on the experience of city governments in medieval Europe, on court literature, on the political ideas of the Reformists and on the humanists' reappropriation of the ancients, expecially Aristotle and Cicero. The paper also wants to argue that this tradition has a relevance in the context of the crisis of the European Union in the early 21. century. The talk is going to be given in Hungarian, with slides projected in English.
Date and Venue of the lecture: 8th November 2016, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.
The Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to its upcoming conference:
Early Modern Encounters of Science and Philosophy
10:00 - 10:45 - Dániel Schmal: Perception and Matter: The Concept of Causality in Francis Glisson's Philosophy of Nature
10:45 - 11:30 - Bálint Kékedi: Sheep and Magnets: Purposeful Behaviour in Cartesian Machines
11:30 - 11:45 - Coffee break
11:45 - 12:30 - Olivér István Tóth: Innate Ideas and the Role of Science in Spinoza's Rationalist Epistemology
12:30 - 13:15 - Gábor Á. Zemplén: Diagrammatic Carriers and the Acceptance of Newton's Optical Theory
15:00 - 15:45 - Charles Wolfe: Life as Substance or as Function: Learning from Eighteenth-Century Vitalism
15:45 - 16:30 - Tamás Demeter: Layers of Hume's Vitalism
16:30 - 16:45 - Coffee break
16:45 - 17:30 - Máté Veres: Philosophy's Happy Escape: Scepticism and Naturalism in Hume's Natural History of Religion
17:30 - 18:15 - Natália Borza: Musicality in Natural Philosophy: An Analysis of Adam Smith's Posthumous Essays
Date of the conference: 15th November, 2016.
A recent paper by our colleague, Peter Andras Varga was published in the volume "»Alles Wesentliche lässt sich nicht schreiben« Leben und Denken Edith Steins im Spiegel ihres Gesamtwerks" (Herder Verlag, Germany, 2016). The paper, entitled "Edith Stein als Assistentin von Edmund Husserl: Versuch einer Bilanz im Spiegel von Husserls Verhältnis zu seinen Assistenten. Mit einem unveröffentlichten Brief Edmund Husserls über Edith Stein im Anhang," analyses Edith Stein's oft-discussed role in Edmund Husserl's philosophical oeuvre against the backdrop of Husserl's personal and intellectual relationships to his assistants (including Eugen Fink and Martin Heidegger). A hitherto unknown and unpublished letter by Husserl on Stein is published in the appendix of the paper.
The volume is published both in print and as an e-book (preview). The preprint version of the paper is available here. The author's research was supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Funds (OTKA) grant nr. PD105101.
Ferenc Hörcher is giving a talk entitled "The Constitutional Moment of 1848" on the conference organized by the Universitat de Barcelona between the 19-21st of October, 2016. The title of the conference: "European Society for the History of Political Thought, Fourth International Conference: Constitutional Moments, Founding Myths, Charters and Constitutions Through History".
The Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science and the Research Group for Moral and Political Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy cordially invites you to its upcoming conference:
Hume and After: Discourses of Morality and Politics in Enlightenment Britain
A konferencia programja:
13:00 - 13:45 - James Harris: The Most Difficult Question of Any: Hume and Smith on Allegiance
13:45 - 14:30 - Tamás Demeter: Hume's Three Perspectives on Human Action
14:30 - 15:00 - Coffee break
15:00 - 15:45 - Alessio Vaccari: The Passion of Resentment in Hume's Theory of Justice
15:45 - 16:30 - László Kontler: William Robertson and the Political Morality of Imperial Expansion
16:30 - 17:00 - Coffee break
17:00 - 17:45 - Ferenc Hörcher: "The Age of Chivalry is Gone." Edmund Burke's Account of the French Revolution as a Loss of Virtue, Learning and Commerce
17:45 - 18:30 - Anna Plassart: Democracy after French Republicanism: Reformist Discourses in Early 19th-Century Britain
Date of the workshop: 18th October, 2016.
Ferenc Hörcher, the director of the Institute of Philosophy at the RCH HAS is giving a talk entitled Hungary, 1956: The Role of the Tragic in the Construction of Central European National Identities, on the 11th of October 2016. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the USA.
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